Oh. Since I haven't bought a PC game in well over 2 years I'm not up to date on them now. I thought Games for Windows and Games For Windows Live were the same thing? Now I'm thoroughly confused. :confused:
The Games For Windows tag simply means the game was designed to to run on Windows. Most -but not all- PC games carry the tag now.
Games For Windows LIVE means that the game also supports LIVE. This usually means achievements for the most part and being able to purchase DLC.
It also results in......
Some games not being playable if internet goes down (Unlike Steam there seems to be no offline mode),
Stability problems (A lot of people found Fallout 3 ran better with GFWL disabled completely)
A complete inability to save the game or in some cases even play unless you were signed in.
Plus I found some games (First Kane and Lynch as an example) took so long to sign you in (Even when you had sign me in automatically ticked) that the intro started and the game froze. It was optional for some games such as the afformention Kane and Lynch, but was mandatory for others such as Batman A:A and GTA4.