Some glitches

Post » Sat Jul 30, 2011 10:55 pm

I have Fallout New Vegas for ps3.

1. Boone loses his inventory when I leave a casino. (Rex doesn't and I haven't checked the others)
2. There is no body to be dragged to the 2 NCR soldiers.
3. Many times in VATS my avatar doesn't do a thing but aiming and mostly only when I die I glitch out again.
4. Freezes up from time to time.
5. Screentearing from time to time.
6. I can buy 3 fatmans from the crimson caravan trader at their post near Vegas. (No I haven't selled the ones I found.)
7. I get set back to neutral with the NCR when I completed Boone's mission (at the refugee camp.)
(8. When my save file contains more then 12.000 mb my game laggs alot but this isn't a glitch?)
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Austin Suggs
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