Walk in a door at the prison with a stealthboy on and my singleshot shotgun goes off. What? I got mobbed several times over that little glitch. So booked it back out the door to stop dieing over and over again from that glitch only to find my shotgun to the podwergangers face not counting at all so I take muti-hits die so next step fallback andget distance.. running up a tower to get some distance and go to a longer range weapon and nothing counts at all for four solid clips not once twice but five times in a row before I gave up. I not sure whats going on with this problem but it isnt good that shots dont count or weapons go off when one enters a room. More than one target I have to retreat cause half the shots taken even in VATS dont count at the end they didnt count at all. Holy moly am I angry. Anyone eles experianced this glitch?