Done! Final bug report

Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:16 am

Took me 50 hours, reached level 20 and went for the yes man ending. All in all I got 3-5 freezes (I remember 3 clearly, two of them was today, but I have a vague memory of 1-2 more but I'm not certain), a couple of lost weapon inventories (both times after leaving Gomorrah -- Veronica didn't get her weapons back... the second time she didn't even enter, I told her to wait, but she lost her weapons anyway!), and lots of annoying but endurable glitches.

So it went reasonably well. Love the game, love the film at the end, beautiful and sad and made me realize how much I care about the world and its fate. Also feel kind of sad for Veronica, I hope I can get a better ending for her next time.
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Marion Geneste
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