Some things I want to see in the next Fallout.

Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:41 am

There are some things I really want to see in the new Fallout. (Feel free to post your own)

1. You can choose a location for your house (read: cave, rock, pit, etc.).
- Make it like the "Sims" were you can choose were to place things (and not that clumsy levitation force you have.) + how your house is build up + furniture to
buy (but unlike in oblivion: furniture that you can place wherever you want).
- Companions stay there when asked. (Just like they stay in the lounge in Fallout NV when asked)

2. An improved/ a realistic walking system, and not that wood like wandering + your feat leave a trail in mud/snow/sand/earth + climbing mountains is enabled with a
pickaxe (you know mountain climbing gear lol.)

3. An improved character design maker, cuss most of the haircuts look like.... (Note: why can't you be a ghoul?)

4. Destructible environments. (Cuss right now: mail box > nuke)

5. You shouldn't lose karma when stealing ammo from the 'bad' factions like powder gangers. It actually should be considered a good thing. (Same for
pickpocking/putting a grenade in an enemies purse)

6. Better graphics. (I know graphics don't make a game, but in this case the game 'has been made' so now they should look some more into improving graphs)

7. You can continue playing after you finished the last mission.
* But it depends on how the story will end.

. You can built up a relation with NPC's in the game.

9. No glitches. (lol)

(Sorry for the bad grammar.)
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daniel royle
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Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:59 am

uhhhh, the new engine will create a better graphical world, and Character, and might add some destruction out on the area (environmental-wise) but..not sure about everything else..
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Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:06 am
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:46 am

First off, this is the wrong section. There is a section for all Fallout games. This is just for New Vegas stuff here. Mountain climbing gear? No, just no. It's an apocalyptic wasteland? As if an old abandoned house is going to contain mountain climbing gear. Besides, it depends where the next game is located as to whether or not it is warranted. I have no problem with an inability to play after the ending mission. After all, it is just that...the ending. Stealing from a bad faction will always count as bad karma. That's like saying if someone said a nasty thing to me it is okay for me to subsequently kill him or steal from him. Since ghouls are immune to radiation, the ability to be one would take out a great survival aspect of the game. Also, Skyrim will introduce a new graphics engine, which the next Fallout will undoubtedly use. Better graphics are pretty much a guarantee, but graphics don't currently and never will help to make a game great. Fallout 3, although far from ugly, was not amazing graphically and, yet, still so immersive. Finally, Fallout is a massive RPG and produced by Bethesda...bugs are guranteed as with all games.
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:59 pm

I want to make my own campfire wherever I want with survival skill... And bring a bedroll with me.
Pretty basic stuff here developers...
Also I would like gouls and super mutants to be playable races.

Additionaly stop automaticly reloading my guns, and allow me to hotkey two weapons of the same type.
This allows for a New York reload.

Oh and how about slings and holsters. That way my guns aren't floating in the air next to me.

Dual wielding (like in skyrim) would be cool too.
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carrie roche
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Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:40 am

Ow this is indeed the wrong place to post this, it's because I had multiple tabs of the site and well I picked the wrong one obviously. If a mod would be so friendly to put this in the right place (or just delete it when that isn't possible).
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james tait
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Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 2:47 pm

I just want to put in my two rusty cents, but I'd prefer it if the endings were closed and meaningful, not open and superficial.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:52 pm

I just want to put in my two rusty cents, but I'd prefer it if the endings were closed and meaningful, not open and superficial.

I like those rusty two cents Mako.

I'd also like for more Legion (depending on next Location, that is).
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:59 pm

First off, dual wielding is unrealistic nonsense. It was invented by action movie makers as a mirror image of dual sword wielding in martial arts movies, but nobody actually uses two guns like that, so no thanks. Think about it: when you have a handgun in each hand, how do you aim? How do you reload? It's just bloody impractical.

Second, I'd rather the developers invested their energy in better stories and quests than better graphics and "realistic" walking. The strength of Fallout has always been in the ideas.

What I would like to see is melee weapons class being expanded to include slingshots, spear guns, bows and crossbows, with different types of arrows available similar to different types of gun ammo (broadheads as HP equivalent, hardened points as AP, etc.)

At least two-three basic weapon types in each class should be craftable based on Repair and weapon skill level. Molotov cocktails and fertilizer bombs for Explosives, home-made flamethrowers, improvised shotguns, Radscorpion stinger spear, cratable Mantis leg gauntlet (weren't they meant to be craftable?), something like that. NOT as top-tier weapons, obviously, but just to reduce the dependency on random finds at early levels.

Less junk items that aren't being used for anything. I mean, what's the point?
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Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:19 am

First off, dual wielding is unrealistic nonsense. It was invented by action movie makers as a mirror image of dual sword wielding in martial arts movies, but nobody actually uses two guns like that, so no thanks. Think about it: when you have a handgun in each hand, how do you aim? How do you reload? It's just bloody impractical.

Second, I'd rather the developers invested their energy in better stories and quests than better graphics and "realistic" walking. The strength of Fallout has always been in the ideas.

What I would like to see is melee weapons class being expanded to include slingshots, spear guns, bows and crossbows, with different types of arrows available similar to different types of gun ammo (broadheads as HP equivalent, hardened points as AP, etc.)

At least two-three basic weapon types in each class should be craftable based on Repair and weapon skill level. Molotov cocktails and fertilizer bombs for Explosives, home-made flamethrowers, improvised shotguns, Radscorpion stinger spear, cratable Mantis leg gauntlet (weren't they meant to be craftable?), something like that. NOT as top-tier weapons, obviously, but just to reduce the dependency on random finds at early levels.

Less junk items that aren't being used for anything. I mean, what's the point?

And how about old west gunfighters.. Used two pistols.
Check out the gunfighter class in cowboy action competition. OMG! I guess people CAN aim two guns.

Btw... I should be able to hold down the trigger when aiming from the hip with a .357 revolver and fan the trigger.
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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 4:03 am

I only want a bigger map and more quests there kinda the basics but duelweilding is silly and impracticle what next duelweilding fat mans? And the end is THE END. But i hope in fo4 we have some sort of intelligent deathclaw.
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Darren Chandler
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Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:33 pm

My list is pretty short and sweet.

1. Improved crafting
2. More weapon mods
3. Improved AI
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Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 2:05 am

I want less. As in:

  • Less food
  • Less clean water
  • Less ammo

In the normal mode, I want these things to be scarce. In the hardcoe mode I want these things to be more meaningful than all the money in the world.
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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:44 am

In the hardcoe mode I want these things to be more meaningful than all the money in the world.
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krystal sowten
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Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:06 am

Yes, even more valuable than the contents of spongebob's wallet.

Also, I'd like to see fewer chems. Managing health and radiation is way too easy, and an abundance of psycho means I can increase my damage whenever it is convenient.
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:39 pm

All nice ideas OP... the karma thing, yeah I know what you I get good karma from shooting that there powder ganger.... but I cant take his wonderglue... hmmm.

Infact I think we could probably agree that the karma system is flawed... its a little to cut and dried and not a complex enough system to include context mabey a good idea to just do away with it.
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Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 8:58 am

First off, this is the wrong section. There is a section for all Fallout games. This is just for New Vegas stuff here. Mountain climbing gear? No, just no. It's an apocalyptic wasteland? As if an old abandoned house is going to contain mountain climbing gear. Besides, it depends where the next game is located as to whether or not it is warranted. I have no problem with an inability to play after the ending mission. After all, it is just that...the ending. Stealing from a bad faction will always count as bad karma. That's like saying if someone said a nasty thing to me it is okay for me to subsequently kill him or steal from him. Since ghouls are immune to radiation, the ability to be one would take out a great survival aspect of the game. Also, Skyrim will introduce a new graphics engine, which the next Fallout will undoubtedly use. Better graphics are pretty much a guarantee, but graphics don't currently and never will help to make a game great. Fallout 3, although far from ugly, was not amazing graphically and, yet, still so immersive. Finally, Fallout is a massive RPG and produced by Bethesda...bugs are guranteed as with all games.

Why not? People DO mountain climb and gear could be found. Hell you could even get it off a body you kill.

That being said I don't know well it would work if the next game was in NY or Chicago or a city of the like. Fallout: Denver yes, then ok.
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:33 am

I want to make my own campfire wherever I want with survival skill... And bring a bedroll with me.
Pretty basic stuff here developers...
Also I would like gouls and super mutants to be playable races.

Additionaly stop automaticly reloading my guns, and allow me to hotkey two weapons of the same type.
This allows for a New York reload.

Oh and how about slings and holsters. That way my guns aren't floating in the air next to me.

Dual wielding (like in skyrim) would be cool too.

Omg yes to everything, Marry me :bowdown: not sure what you meant by the guns thing but i agree with it anyway.
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megan gleeson
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Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:58 am

Harder difficulty, the hardcoe mode is a joke, you dont need meds, you can eat and drink tons of stuff to heal, thats BS

Increasing difficulty makes enemies harder to kill, thats oblivion [censored], that makes the game further unrealistic. Find another way to make the game harder...

Make the survival skill useful, 2 speech options and a ton of food recipes that no one needs - wow

Adept more stuff from Fallout 1+2. Guarding Caravans, world map travel (not that fast travel BS), FNV is much better then F3, but still room for improvement.
(More dialogs,

Greater diversity of speakers for the NPC.

Make stuff more rare, its a wasteland, but you can find tons of food, water, ammo, in every dumpster/mailbox.
Making such stuff scarce enhances barter/survival/science skill
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Lalla Vu
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Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 2:17 am

And how about old west gunfighters.. Used two pistols.

Not simultaneously, no. They drew and fired one until empty, then drew and fired the other, because reloading with single-action sixguns was catastrophically slow.

One possible reason for dual-wielding handguns is suppression fire in the absence of an automatic weapon. As in firing not to hit something but to force enemies to keep their heads down.

Check out the gunfighter class in cowboy action competition. OMG! I guess people CAN aim two guns.

Gunfighter class is widely regarded as unsafe. Many people become so focused on dominant-side gun they forget that the other one is pointed. Still, gunfighter class does not involve reloading and shooting on, does it?
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Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:26 am

What I'd like? I'd like to see that Fallout 5 isn't just copypasta of Fallout 4 but with a new area and new things to do, and some improvements ie Fallout New Vegas. There was zero graphical improvements or really any engine upgrades from F3 to NV which is pretty disappointing. Not saying it's a bad game, because F3 was fun, so an improvement would be fun to, but I think you get my drift.
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