Ok so this build is mostly for critical Strikes.
S -6
P – 5
E – 6
C – 1
I – 7
A – 6
L – 9
These are the reasons for picking my specials like this.
STRENGTH: I went with 6 because most unarmed weapons need 6, and after I have the implant for Strength To raise it to 7 I can take the weapon handling
later on for the ballistic fist.
PERCEPTION: I left this at 5 because you need 6 for better criticals.
ENDURANCE: 6 for all the S.P.E.C.I.A.L implant apart from Charisma.
CHARISMA: Pointless stat for me.
INTELLIGENCE: I like to have an average amount of skill points, 13 per level up is enough for me.
AGILITY: 7 after the implant, this is need for slayer.
LUCK: Like I said this build is mostly for critical strikes, so why wouldn’t I need a high luck.
Tagged Skills:
1) Unarmed - Duh.
2) Repair – Helps me keep items in weapons in top shape.
3) Melee – For a lot of the perks that help unarmed.
1) Built to destroy - Need all the help I can get with critical strikes.
2) ?
Level 2-Intense Training
Level 4-Educated
Level 6-Toughness
Level 8-Super Slam
Level 10-Finesse
Level 12-Piercing Strike
Level 14-Purifier
Level 16-Better Criticals
Level 18-Weapon Handling
Level 20-Jury Rigging
Level 22-Hunter
Level 24-Slayer
Level 26-Toughness
Level 28-Ninja
Level 30-Bloody Mess
I want to use the Mantis gauntlet after i seen this on the wiki.
Although it takes some time and investment, with a certain combination of perks and items, this weapon can be one of the most deadly in the game, because of its x3 critical chance. With Finesse, Ninja, and a 1st Recon Beret, complemented by, Bloody Mess, Lord Death, Better Criticals, Slayer, Melee Hacker, Stealth Girl, and Piercing Strike, you will critical hit every time for around 91 damage, and have a DPS of over 257.53. With sneak attack criticals it can do 191.1 damage.
If anybody can help me that would be good.
sorry for any bad grammer.