when playing as a spellcaster that was dependant on his blocking skill i found it semi frustrating that i could not use my shield without a weapon attached as my primary... and when i saw the new Skirim trailer i noticed that there were some dual wielding elements like a staf and sword combo and i got to thinking ... wouldn't it be awesome if you could have a finer cooperation between the wielding shields and and pure magic (aka not through a staf) ?
like being able to enchant your shield so that enamies that hit it is knocked back? or if you have block skill at master or higher you are able to tilt your shield and cast magic while blocking ( maybe give a penalty to accouacy or attack speed to balance it )
or maybe just hit enamies in the head with your shield when they get close to by a secound or two more to hit it with spells.
i for one think that this would do a lot for the immersive elemenets in the game and make combat not just more fun, and diverse but also more realistik.
thank you for reading this