Started to play Dungeon Keeper for the first time, quite entertaining and well worth the GoG price, also well worth making allowances for the 1997 graphics!
I spent a month addicted to Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga. Limited attributes and the perk system means character customisation is limited to combat styles, but the writing is good and you are asked to make some interesting choices. Character movement is fluid - especially after a certain experience, the mix of game styles feels strangely natural - even the platform sections, but best of all you actually need to pay attention to some of general back story, think about some of the puzzles and really search for some items and switches. Oh, some fun quests too

Deus Ex: HR is less than a month away, it shows some promise. The summer Steam sale has left me with at least 5 games I want play, there is a new Humble Indie Bundle out, and I would like to finish Alice:MR and Terraria and start the latest FoNV DLC. lol, My gaming is well sorted!
Today I need to do some house work, but I'm feeling a definite calling to play Imperium Galactica II - the curse of having a PC is that 15 years worth of games are only a mouse click away!