How did you manage to misspell that? If everything is free, is anything really free? Without laws and constraints how are we to determine what freedom is? Without a point of comparison how can we be sure what we are experiencing is the thing "everyone likes", as you say, or just normality. And if freedom is only a good thing, that leaves other free to do what they want. To you. Positive AND negative. There is such a thing as too much freedom, and you'd probably never want to experience it in your life. It's called Anarchy. Absolute freedom only exists for a millisecond before others will use their freedom to take your own.
Yes, Half of the joy of role playing games, is from starting as a limited non-developed character, who is limited in what he can do, and where he can safely go, and what quests he can effectively finish, but as we develop our character, and find better gear, and overcome opponents that block our way, and complete quests one by one as they become possible to complete, we would gradually break from initial limits and shackles, and proceed toward greatness, and uniqueness.
If all the options are freely available from the start, and you can easily go anywhere you like, and complete any task as you like, by your first level character, then there is no point in "Character Development" aspect of the role playing games.
If you can join any and all the factions from the beginning and become the head of all the faction by one character, then there remains no call for role playing, and developing your character to fit in the model role that we choose.
Role playing games are about playing as a specific character in the world, and developing our character to be good at that role, and it has to show somewhere, but if all the different types of character are equally good at finishing quests and are equally acceptable in different factions, and all can become the head of all factions, and all the things that the game has to offer, is freely given to all types of characters and roles, then I can not call the game a role playing game.
IMHO, Oblivion is an open adventure game, like RDR, and not as good in that.
On the other hand, Morrowind is a great
role playing game, as our role model, and specialized character shows it's process and uniqness, because he can do things and join and advance in places that other types of character could not do.
As I have said before, the initial "TOO MUCH FREEDOM" is a poison for role playing games, but hard earned and specialized freedom in the fields that our character specializes is the satisfaction and bliss that I want to feel in any role playing game that I play.