Player clicks on a Holotape activator and gets a message with the option of buying the furniture if they have the cash. That activator and message box will trigger the timer quest and script for the waiting period for the delivery. After the delivery time has passed the player will get a pop up telling them that their furniture has been delivered.
I believe I have the activator working properly as I set it to add a Holotape “voucher” to the players inventory just to sort of simulate a receipt. (I also may use it for a dialog condition and quest stage later)
So, it displays the message box properly based on its condition requirements and adds the voucher just as it should, so as much as I can tell that part is fine. (I'll still post it so you can see if you see anything I might have missed.)
But after that I can wait the designated time and nothing happens. No delivery message and no furniture enabled, so I guess I've not gotten the quest script functioning properly. If you would please take a look and hopefully someone can help me with what I screwed up. (BTW, it's saving in GECK, so at least I got that much correct.)
Oh yeah, one other thing I'd ultinately like to do would be not allow the furniture to be enabled if the player were in the cell where it goes. Preferably, I'd like them somewhere away from Goodsprings if possible, although I don't know if that can be done.
Thanks, and here's what I have right now.
QUEST – BalokDeliverFurnitureQuest
Priority – 55
Start Game Enabled – Un-checked
Script Processing delay – checked
Quest Script
scn BalokFurnitureTimerScriptshort nDeliveryDay short bGiveFurniture short DoOnceBEGIN GameMode if (DoOnce == 0) set bGiveFurniture to 0 set nDeliveryDay to GameDaysPassed endif if ( GameDaysPassed >= nDeliveryDay + 1 ) set bGiveFurniture to 1 endif if ( bGiveFurniture == 1) BalokEnableFurniture.enable ShowMessage BalokFurnitueDeliveryMessage Set DoOnce to 1 endif endifEND
Activator Script
scn BalokFurnitureActivatorScriptshort DoOnceshort Button begin GameMode if DoOnce == 1 ShowMessage BalokPurchaseFurnitureMessage set DoOnce to 2 elseif DoOnce == 2 set Button to GetButtonPressed if Button >= 0 set DoOnce to 3 if ( Button == 0 ) StartQuest BalokDeliverFurnitureQuest Player.additem BalokHolotapeFurniture 1 elseif ( Button == 1 ) set DoOnce to 0 endif endif endifendbegin OnActivate if IsActionRef Player && DoOnce == 0 Activate Set DoOnce to 1 endifend