This mod provides a lore friendly heightmap of complete Tamriel,located in the "Tamriel" worldspace ( the same where Cyrodiil is located ), coming as only one esp including all provinces, isles and surrounding seas.
Official lore maps and/or other lore based maps ( like TR team maps) have been used to create lore correct or at least lore friendly shapes and basic geographic data of all provinces.Geo Control 2 terrain editing programm has been used for improving most of the new regions ( better erosion settings etc).
For compatibility/ technically reasons and to get a more realistic gameplay ( feel of a complete large continent), all provinces around Cyrodiil have been enlarged (mainly in north/south direction).This means you will find the different provinces larger compared to cyrodiil than on the lore maps.
in this case...
This is a part of the imperial library interview with Greg Keyes, the author of The Elder Scrolls Novel: The Infernal City.
"We are to imagine the world of TES to be a real place, of which the games are merely representations. My book represents that world in another way. Geographical distances, for instance, are contracted in the game -- in my books they aren't, so it takes days or weeks rather than hours to run from one city to another."
in other words...the worldspaces of the Elder Scrolls games are created lorefriendly but not lore accurate ( which is simply technical not possible)...
even TES 4 Cyrodiil is just lore friendly as it has the right shape etc...but not the right dimensions according to lore found in different books (not only the Infernal City) .
So ...enlarging the Tamriel heightmap as I did...makes it probably even more lorefriendly...or at least not less lorefriendly, as all TES games (and mods based on them) are just ..."merely representations" ....
Note ! Valenwood and the southern parts of Elsweyr require Ilianas Elsweyr Deserts of Anequina mod to work properly !!
grab Elsweyr Deserts of Anequina here :
1.) Place the tamriel.esp (heightmap)in your data order.
2.) Backup your Data/Textures/LandscapeLod/Generated and
your Data/Meshes/Landscape/Lod folders !!!
3.) Extract the TamrielLandscape Lod resources (meshes and
textures) to your data folder. Let overwrite if asked.
Note ! Lod resources (landscape meshes and textures)
for Ilianas Anequina mod are included ! DO NOT
REINSTALL lod meshes and textures from Ilianas mod !!!
4.) Install the Unique Landscape Lod Resources if needed.
Note ! This Pack covers ALL Unique Landscape mods and I
absolutely highly recommend to use all of them together
with the Tamriel heightmap !!!!
5.) If you use TR_Stirk (which is highly recommended as well)
install the optional provided Stirk Lod Resources.
6.) If you want to use Kiwi Hawks ingame map (elven style),
extract the tamriel-ingame_map.esp and the provided
textures to your data folder.
7.) Set you Load order using OBMM or Wrye Bash
Load order should look like this :
Unofficial Patch(es)
All Unique Landscapes etc
Tamriel_Ingame_map.esp if used must be loaded at last !
9.) Update your Archieve Invalidation using OBMM and
make sure your textures quality is set to "Large" !!!!
This is compatible with nearly all popular mods out there as BBC,UL,FCOM etc etc etc ...
but not compatible with any mod (province mods) creating new exterior cells in the tamriel worldspace like for example Skyrim or Valenwood Improved.
Elsweyr Anequina and TR_Stirk and of course all other province mods taking place in their own worldspace are fully compatible.
Landscape LOD....
This will conflict with mods providing their own landscape lod meshes ( lod meshes for Elsweyr Anequina, TR_Stirk and UL (complete) are provided)..LOD Patches for single UL and other mods will come with the province files seperately !
Note! The lod resources are of course only basic (not final) resources for ingame testing....
Ingame map
It is highly recommended to use "Dynamic Map" made by The NiceOne. it works with any load order and comes with a lot of nice extra features.
Get it here :
Gridmap made by Shadowbeast :
don't mind the marked projects....most of them are dead or canceled....
Very highly recommended for exploring the new regions
Side's Sailing Ships mod which can be found here :
used tools and credits
Construction Set, TES4Edit, Wrye Bash, TESGecko,
GeoContol 2, TESAnnwyn, Gimp, TES4QLod
credits for the ingame map go to Kiwi Hawk !
Valenwood_Elsweyr version 0.1 (alpha version !)
Landscape regions for Valenwood and southern Elsweyr not being covered by Ilianas Anequina mod.
Summerset Isles version 0.1 (alpha version !)
Landscape regions and a lot of exteriors for Summerset isles
Black Marsh version 0.1 (alpha version !)
Basic landcape regions for Black Marsh
Valenwood_Elsweyr requires these files to work properly:
1.Tamriel heightmaps esp
( you don't need the Tamriel heightmaps Lod Resources if you just want to use Valenwood_Elsweyr)
2. Elsweyr Deserts of Anequina
no further patches or resources needed atm !
Summerset Isles requires these files to work properly :
1. Tamriel heightmap esp
highly recommended... update your tamriel.esp to v.3.3 !!
2. Tamriel Resource Pack
3. Tamriel Landscape Pack
Black Marsh requires these files to work properly :
1. Tamriel heightmap esp
highly recommended... update your tamriel.esp to v.3.3 !!
3. Tamriel Landscape Pack
Install :
place the esp's, bsa's and the lod resources in your data folder
Note! Summerset Lod Resources must overwrite the Valenwood resources.
load order should look like this :
Note ! Boss does not place the Summerset.esp correctly, you will have to change that manually !
Run Tes4Lodgen to create proper lod data for the new regions.
Note !! you probably have to revert back to an older Tes4Lodgen version (2.2.2)...latest version of tes4lodgen does not work for me...
if v.2.2.2 does not work try using the 4 GB patch for tes4lodgen exe
Compatibility :
compatibility patches and lod patches for different mods will come with the next versions !
As this is an alpha version do not expect fully detailed settlements, creatures and stuff...this will all come later on. Please also do not report every floating tree or spot having just basic landscape textures...this will all be improved step by step...
thank you

The tree for Falinesti is also just a place holder (no lod) just to show you how I imagine it for the future...a big tree that can hold a complete city

Future Plans :
next versions will get more map marker, pathgrids, creatures, new sounds, high resolution lod textures and of course fixes, patches and improvments....
credits go to Star X , Kevenage (from the german sharesoft forums),Iliana, Vacuity, liquidgraph for all their models, presets and textures that have been used for this so far !
Also thx again to all the people who made the amazing stuff used in our resource packs ( fully credits are included in the readmes).
special thx go to Star X for creating so much nice stuff for Valenwood and Kiwi Hawk for creating so many of this amazing Summerset exteriors...
this would have never seen the light of day without your work mates...