Not All Dungeons Are Unique

Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:00 am

Actually I think its 8

even better that's my favourite number ^ ^
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Dalley hussain
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:15 pm

Why don't you read the thread first? I've stated multiple times that I didn't. What I am discussing is the effectiveness of the dungeon customization. They could easily do a crappy job with this, or they could do a really great job with it. The potential is there. I'm just worried about the amount of customization each dungeon will have.

i.e will every "Imperial Fort" have rooms and hallways surrounding a lower middle room with a table in the corner like in this screenshot

If they say they added much more individuality to the dungeons, I'm going to try and have confidence they will be. I'm sure some will seem familiar, but I just hope they learned from Oblivion.

A bit off topic: I hope I can wear the helmet the Draugr is wearing or that there are many more historically inspired Viking helmets with spectacle guards...
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:12 pm

I'll try and find the interview, but there are actually 5-6 types of dungeons in Skyrim. Of course, they'll all be unique since they are all customized by hand, but there are probably going to be times when you're in a dungeon thinking it looks familiar to other dungeons you've been in. Just wanted to clear that up because I've been seeing posts saying that all the dungeons are very different.

Anyone have the link to this interview? Thanks. I think it listed the actual types as well.

Oblivion only had 3 types. Forts, Alyied ruins, and caves/mines. Skyrim will have Forts, Dwemer, Nordic temples, icy caves bult into mountains, ect.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:40 am

From memory, vanilla Oblivion had 5 sets (6 if you include Mehrunes Dagon's realm), but only really used 3 (caves/mines, Ayleid and ruined fort).
Iirc, vanilla morrowind used 5 (caves, Dwemer, Velothi, Daedric, Velothi fort).

What really matters is how the sets are used.

Exactly. Morrowind's caves could be all sorts of things. Regular caves with either monsters, bandits/smugglers/slavers, summoners or something else, but also egg, ebony and glass mines, grottos with sea creatures, Sixth House bases, etc. Lots of variety possible by placing the right objects inside.

They also had several different looking cave tilesets for that, I think they may have been retextures of the same cave meshes? Which is also a nice trick.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:27 pm

Not All Dungeons Are Unique

Of course, they'll all be unique

Sweet thread.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:23 am

Morrowind had so much variety in dungeons. Oblivion on the other hand...
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:37 am


there are 120 dungeons

realistically they CAN"T make 120 "dungeon" tool sets its impossible IMPOSSIBLE

6 people working on them is more than enough and 6 types are great
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:32 pm

As many of us know, Oblivion had 1 developer working on dungeons, Skyrim on the other hand will have 8 or 10 devs working on this aspect. I hope they can do more orignal things. They have had more man-hours and less dungeons, so they should be better than OB.

Each template has many rooms and hallways, so with 8 or 10 developers, compared to the 1 we had in OB, I think we should expect to see alot more different rooms for each template.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:21 pm

Hopefully they'll mix the tilesets up a bit sometimes. It was awesome in Morrowind when a cave tileset would be mixed with the daedric one, or when an ancestral tomb would lead to a cave, or when an egg mine led to a dwemer ruin.

Of course that happened in Oblivion too.

In Oblivion you could have Caves in Aylied ruins, Aylied ruins in Caves, Forts in caves, Caves in Forts, Waterfalls in Aylied Ruins, Lakes in Caves, Forests in caves, ships in caves, daedric temples in caves etc, etc.

Morrowind had so much variety in dungeons. Oblivion on the other hand...

... had as much or more variety. And hopefully Skyrim will have more yet. But six basic types is fine. Because a cave is a cave, But there could be unique features in many or all just like Morrowind and Oblivion.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:19 am

Also - if a dungeon has a single cobweb different to all others, it's unique. But, don't tell the Devs that... then we get Dragon Age 2 again... the horror...
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:23 am

Also - if a dungeon has a single cobweb different to all others, it's unique. But, don't tell the Devs that... then we get Dragon Age 2 again... the horror...
the good thing is that both morrowind and oblivion did not had cobweb dungeons.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:01 pm


there are 120 dungeons

realistically they CAN"T make 120 "dungeon" tool sets its impossible IMPOSSIBLE

6 people working on them is more than enough and 6 types are great

I realize that... As I've said several times in this thread... Just the media about this game has been hyping "120 hand crafted dungeons", and I've seen interviews "like the G4TV E3 demo" where the interviewer clearly got the impression that all of these dungeons are completely unique. I haven't seen Todd Howard (Other than one interview, and I'm not sure it was a Todd Howard Interview) clarify that in fact there are only 5-6 types of dungeons. I've seen on this forum that some people expect these dungeons to be 100% unique.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:54 pm

Sweet thread.

HAHA thanks...

If I had to summarize my point, it is that: My gut feeling is that the dungeons are going to be MORE alike than has been implied in the PR.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:22 am

Yah, the layouts will look similar. The interior will be different though.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:21 am

1 artist developed more then 1 different type of dungeon in Oblivion... Alyied/oblivionplains/cave/sewer/fort ect was in 1 pack =) eitherway this hasnt been confirmed, and even if it is, its still alot more diverse then Oblivion......

6x artists x 6x packs + more then 1 dungeon type in each pack = more diversity then Oblivion.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:10 am

Nehrim had mostly the same sort of dungeons as Oblivion, but managed to make almost all of the, feel very unique.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:41 am

Exactly. This wasn't intended to be negative, and I have no problem with 5 or 6 types of dungeons, because everything inside should be customized.

Well, the way it was explained to me is how Morrowind had Cave, Mine, Dwemer Ruin, Dunmer Ancestral Tomb, Dunmer Stronghold, Velothi Tower, and occasional combinations thereof. Oblivion had Cave, Ayleid Ruin, Ruined Fort, Oblivion Gate exterior, Oblivion Gate interior, Sewer and combinations. Skyrim will have Cave, Dwemer Ruin, ?, ?, ? and ?. Within each of these types in all the games were several unique things, so that the caves in the Bitter Coast were not the same as the caves in Sheogorad, or the Nibenese caves were not quite the same as the ones in the Valus mountains. Skyrim will likely be doing exactly the same thing.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:03 pm

Will the only difference be whatever loot or notes are on the table? Or will the layouts inside likely be customized?

It has been said that every dungeon is hand-crafted. Unless the construction set is actually worse than Oblivion's, this should mean that every room, door, and hallway will be hand placed by a level designer. Layouts will be unique for every dungeon.
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:48 pm

I'll try and find the interview, but there are actually 5-6 types of dungeons in Skyrim. Of course, they'll all be unique since they are all customized by hand, but there are probably going to be times when you're in a dungeon thinking it looks familiar to other dungeons you've been in. Just wanted to clear that up because I've been seeing posts saying that all the dungeons are very different.

Anyone have the link to this interview? Thanks. I think it listed the actual types as well.

Does the five or six include caves? Just wondering. Optimisitically, I would like to think that these types will be Nord Ruins, Dwemer Ruins, Daedric Ruins along the Morrowind border, Falmer Ruins, and Imperial forts, with detail variations in each. If it is indeed this many, that would still be a notable improvement over Oblivion, which only offered two main dungeon types, Imperial Fort ruins and Ayelid ruins, three to four types if you included bothcaves and the sigil towers in Oblivion.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:35 am

I am just going to be overjoyed by 150 dungeons. Add on 15 to 20 more (or even more?) made by modders...this is just going to totally rock. I hope that modders can find it in themselves to make HUGE dungeons.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:07 am

Oh I agree, but I think that its possible that a lot of the layouts MIGHT look similar. I know I'm just guessing here, but it really wouldn't surprise me if the dungeon layouts are more similar than has been implied in the PR so far. Again, just thinking out loud here

similarity between dungeons of a certain type is actually expected. say you have two ruined forts that were built by the Empire at roughly the same time period. they would be different based on factors such as geography, politics, and even resources, but they would be similar as well because they built by the same faction. same with elvish ruins and dwemer ruins.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:22 pm

I realize that... As I've said several times in this thread... Just the media about this game has been hyping "120 hand crafted dungeons", and I've seen interviews "like the G4TV E3 demo" where the interviewer clearly got the impression that all of these dungeons are completely unique. I haven't seen Todd Howard (Other than one interview, and I'm not sure it was a Todd Howard Interview) clarify that in fact there are only 5-6 types of dungeons. I've seen on this forum that some people expect these dungeons to be 100% unique.

I just hope most of these dungeons have like a mini boss and reasonable loot :D
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