Since crytek stoped fixing the mp glitchs and im 5th reboot rank 50 im done with this game it is boring now to me because I kno how to tear it up hard highest ive gone in a match is 41 kills. im goin back to black ops still playin that too surprisingly, I think that this games time has passed and now its time I move on, I might pop back on crysis but I doubt it. theres somethings I have yet to get in bo Ive never gotten a chopper gunner black bird gunship killstreak on my own so im shooting for that now lol.
Hope to see some of you on mw3 or bf3 cause I have them both preordered lol (what can I say I had fun with bo and bf3 looks epic so far).
you might kno my gt if you ever saw STR as my clan tag its DETH (death) now. later everybody enjoy what crytek left behind if you still play this half fixed mp.