Crash before opening video

Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:46 pm

Ill skip the story of how much i want to play the game and cut to the chase. Ive spent around 4 hours today looking up ways to even get to the opening video. My game has consistently crashed before hand. I have tried the fixes in the default folder, deleting the video. ive tried 4 different .dll fixes and have tried useing the code to have only 2 cores of my quad running. Im at wits end i just want to play the flippin game since walmart already wont take it back. Ive tried deleting the default folder and restoring the things via steam i mean if its on the first 2 pages of google for about 5 combinations of ways to word that this game wont work ive tried it. Any help from the company or anyone would be nice. I bought the PC copy to avoid dealing with xboxs and this happens. Whenever i add a different .Dll file it checks my specs again. sometimes i get high. sometimes medium. once low. Judging from my hours of research its not a computer spec problem though.
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:32 am

Don't count on any help from the company in the user's forum but we'll try to help. However, we can't help you if we don't know what we're dealing with, all computers differ so first post your DXdiag (you'll find directions at the top of the forum page.)
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Ymani Hood
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