hardcoe mode meters not working

Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:13 pm

I am over 300 hours in to a hardcoe play-through, and I have been relatively unscathed by glitches/bugs to this point (much to my pleasure). However, I began noticing that the H2O/Food/Sleep meters found in the Pip-Boy would stop increasing in real-time; that is, they would increase correctly upon waiting, sleeping in a bed, or fast-traveling, and consuming items would correctly reduce/increase the values. I have only been seeing this glitch since installing Old World Blues.

I did some "experimenting" and re-loaded an older save file, where I managed to get the meters working again (by sleeping). I deleted the newer saves where the meter flat-out wasn't working (and couldn't be "jump-started" by sleeping or waiting) and tried to continue on with the functional save file. However, the meters again stopped working after a moderate time playing. I tried saving while the meters were working and re-loading this save if anything went wrong, and finally discovered that, without fail, the meters would stop working approximately 10-11 minutes (real-time) after loading the save.

Has anyone else encountered this glitch, or know what its cause is and/or how to fix it? I've also tried clearing my console's system cache and the game cache, restarting the console, reloading, turning hardcoe mode on and off via the settings menu (which does reset all hardcoe gauges to zero, but doesn't start them moving on their own again) and nothing has permanently fixed the problem. It isn't really a "game-breaking" bug, but it is annoying and takes away a primary aspect of playing in hardcoe mode.

Thanks in advance.
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Chris Jones
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