Is the infinite caps glitch (vendors) patched ?

Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:08 pm

i am talking about the one from fallout 3, where you have 2 weapons of the same kind, you buy the cheapest, then sell it back for double and triple until you clean house. i've been using this since the game came out, even after OWB, i did it like 5 days ago, but since today its not working anymore, i am actually losing caps when i attempt to buy/sell using the same old tried and true procedure.

on top of that most vendors dont even have 2 of the same kind weapon or armor pieces, only the chick who sells out of a van at highway 188 has been restocking 2 of the same kind, and the glitch is still working on her, but everywhere else, i am losing caps, has this happened to anybody ? i didn't even DL any updates since OWB. what gives ? this has been my go to glitch since fallout 3 days, what a bummer.
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