» Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:10 am
WIth logans loophole there is no reason not to use drugs, no negative effects. For people who don't have logans loophole and have never touched drugs in game before, here is what your missing out on.
Say your a drug addict in game, doesn't matter which drug, any will do. You take it and you get the immediate rush, depending on the drug and its addiction rate you will be addicted fairly fast, generally within 1-3 uses. When addicted this means you suffer withdrawls whenever you aren't on the substance. Withdrawls are negative SPECIAL and/or negative Skill points mixed with the screen flash thats associated with getting your head crippled, very very annoying. So this means you have to put up with a constant crippled head injury whenever you don't have drugs to satisfy your craving. And it also means that in situations where you need to be 100% the top of your game you are now forced to take the drug to get back up to speed. An example would be having 100 lockpicking skill, coming across a 100 skill check lock. With no addictions you can open the lock, if you are addicted you need to take the substance to remove the negative effects, or you need to read a skill magazine because your lockpicking while on a withdrawl is going to be in the mid 90s, not 100.
Drugs will give you a short term benefit at a long term cost, just like in the real world. Don't do drugs mkayyyyyyyyyyyy?