Which Faction Has the Strongest Army? #2

Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:49 am

This is a continuation of Killaben's thread (because he logged out and I'm impatient).

So the title says it all, who;s your pick?

I like House but I also like Caesar's Legion too.


Let the discussion Begin!
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:09 pm

captain picard
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:59 am

Legion, I'd say. There are many variables, but I'm thinking about an all on assault without the perfect situation. Yeah, you can argue that "Oh, us NCR have to deal with teh Divide!" Yeah, well too bad. Mr.House doesn't have MkII Securitrons, so too bad for him and Caesar(might) die, too bad for him. On a perfect scale? No variables to screw anyone over? MKII versus perfect Caesar and no Divide or Baja? Maybe NCR.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:08 pm

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Kelly Tomlinson
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:46 am

ohhh no this again

CL has the strongest army, because NCR military leadership at the dam are dumb. Bad strats= loss almost every time.

New Vegas is a bunch of back stabbing wanna be cool guys, or just cool guy, but no soilders. A huge series of events must unfold for House to get mkll, get the ones at the fort, and be able to control them at long range. It remains to be seem how good the giant boxes that drive around on a single wheel will navigate the harsh landscapes of the mw.

Everyone else is a raider, and raiders are scrubs.

Bos does not have enough men.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:48 pm


What do you mean 'Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo' The Legion's winning.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:05 pm

I don't even support the Legion, but I still voted for them. There's no shame in it.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:44 am

What do you mean 'Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo' The Legion's winning.

Yes, now. Soon, this thread will become "Who do you prefer?"

And the NCR will no doubt win, even though it is blatantly clear that the Legion has the strongest army in the Mojave.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:45 pm

View PostGiantevilhead, on 31 July 2011 - 06:55 PM, said:
California in FO is not too different than California in real life and Southern California is a big metropolitan area. There's tons of agriculture and tech. There's also a lot of military bases. The areas conquered by the Legion doesn't have much of that.

Wel we've seen no evidence to support or disprove that, so we'll just have to wait until the devs. say something about it, it is an alternate timeline after all.

There's plenty of evidence to suggest that the FO world is not too different than the real world. We've seen what California looks like in FO1 and 2. We've seen what D.C. looks like in FO3. We've seen what Pittsburgh looks like in the Pitt. We've seen what Nevada looks like in NV. They're not that different from what it's like in real life. Los Angeles is a big city just like in real life. There are a lot of military bases and high tech industry in California. Nevada is mostly empty except for Vegas. Utah is pretty empty and unpopulated. D.C. is pretty much a replica of the real D.C. Pittsburgh is more of a pre-steel collapse version of the real city but it's not too different.

The Legion are just lucky that NCR isn't fully committed to the war and their reinforcements were destroyed in the Divide.

They are full commited to the war, the Dam powers their technology, they're spending thousands of caps a day on it, and all of their major military leaders are there, that sounds pretty commited to me and most others too.

Except Cass said that NCR's power armored troops are still being used to protect caravans in NCR rather than being out in the Mojave fighting the Legion.

Their grandparents obviously passed down enough knowledge to allow the Khans to effectively maintain and utilize old world weapons.

Almost every wastelander knows how to shoot and maintain a gun.

Not the tribes Caesar "tamed." They said that the tribes Caesar conquered weren't very good at maintaining their weapons and had little or no knowledge of military tactics.

Doesn't change the fact that the Legion is gimping themselves by not utilizing tech. A nuke is a million times better than an army of machete wielding soldiers.

That it is, but it also causes apocalypses, an army of people with machetes does not (well maybe to their enemeis but not globally).

Except the technology wouldn't cause apocalypses if only one side has it. If only the US had nukes, there wouldn't have been an apocalypse. In fact, if only one side had the tech then there wouldn't have been much of a war in the first place since nukes are basically an "I win" weapon against anyone who doesn't have it.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:30 pm

I'll type it again I think the NCR has the strongest army. Only due to their numbers factor.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:55 pm

Not the tribes Caesar "tamed." They said that the tribes Caesar conquered weren't very good at maintaining their weapons and had little or no knowledge of military tactics.

He said the first tribes he encountered could not maintain weapons or had and knowledge on military tactics. You can't generalise 86 tribes from four or five in one region.

Except the technology wouldn't cause apocalypses if only one side has it. If only the US had nukes, there wouldn't have been an apocalypse. In fact, if only one side had the tech then there wouldn't have been much of a war in the first place since nukes are basically an "I win" weapon against anyone who doesn't have it.

Caesar doesn't shun technology, he has an auto-doc in his room. He is against the dependency.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:31 pm

I think morally Legion is the strongest but physically, mostly numbers, it is the NCR.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:28 am

There's plenty of evidence to suggest that the FO world is not too different than the real world. We've seen what California looks like in FO1 and 2. We've seen what D.C. looks like in FO3. We've seen what Pittsburgh looks like in the Pitt. We've seen what Nevada looks like in NV. They're not that different from what it's like in real life. Los Angeles is a big city just like in real life. There are a lot of military bases and high tech industry in California. Nevada is mostly empty except for Vegas. Utah is pretty empty and unpopulated. D.C. is pretty much a replica of the real D.C. Pittsburgh is more of a pre-steel collapse version of the real city but it's not too different.

No, it's like how it was in the 1950s, not now.

Except Cass said that NCR's power armored troops are still being used to protect caravans in NCR rather than being out in the Mojave fighting the Legion.

Then why are they in Camp McCarren? And then why is their General and the leader of the Rangers in the Mojave if they're no completely into the war, riddle me that!

Not the tribes Caesar "tamed." They said that the tribes Caesar conquered weren't very good at maintaining their weapons and had little or no knowledge of military tactics.

No, they just said the Blackfoot tribe (which is the tribe that kidnapped Eddy, soon to be Caesar)
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:12 pm

He said the first tribes he encountered could not maintain weapons or had and knowledge on military tactics. You can't generalise 86 tribes from four or five in one region.

Even if they were able to maintain weapons and had military knowledge, they were still tribals, which means their tech level would have been inferior to the tech level of most settlements absorbed by the NCR.

Caesar doesn't shun technology, he has an auto-doc in his room. He is against the dependency.

A broken auto-doc that no one in the Legion has the technical expertise to fix. Caesar has no human doctors. The only person in the Legion camp with medical training is a woman, who was forced into slavery, wasting her talents. Plus they had no way of repairing the damaged artillery in their camp.

No, it's like how it was in the 1950s, not now.

California had a bigger population than Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah combined back in 1950. In fact, Southern California's population was about twice as large as the populations of the other four states combined in 1950 while it's only about 50% bigger today.

Then why are they in Camp McCarren? And then why is their General and the leader of the Rangers in the Mojave if they're no completely into the war, riddle me that!

Why wouldn't their general be in the Mojave? The NCR isn't fighting wars anywhere else. The United States has generals and a lot of troops and equipment in Afghanistan but that doesn't mean the US has committed its entire military force to that war.

No, they just said the Blackfoot tribe (which is the tribe that kidnapped Eddy, soon to be Caesar)

They're still tribals, which means other than the stuff they can scavenge, they have iron age technology at best.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:17 pm

If I said it once, I said it a million times. Mr. House's Securitron Mk 2 army. The reason why Mk 1 isn't good is because of the lack of explosives and ability to self repair.

Weapons are decisive in war and what better weapon than a robot whose entire body is a weapon that can take gunshots like a boss? Securitrons are amazing weapons as they can be used as the artillery, the cavalry, AND the mechanized units. Really, the only problem with Securitrons by looking at the design...are stairs. They run on wheels so stairs would be a problem if we're talking real life. But then again, do you think Mr. House would really be that short sighted? After all, they can get back up after being knocked down.

Really, all House's army needs are some human troops and the Three Families work perfectly for infiltration. Best part about Mr. House's robots: Most tactics don't work on them. Many tactics in warfare involves cutting supply lines or damaging morale. Well Securitrons don't eat, they have a ridiculously long battery life(fission battery ftw) and doesn't have the capacity for fear.
My runner up goes to Caesar's Legion. When push comes to shove, unless they're fighting Mr. House's fully upgraded army + the ones from the bunker below the Fort, Caesar's Legion has the greatest probability of winning. Despite what it may seem, the Legion has good tactics from a good tactician and the mentality of "no retreat". Unlike NCR, whose commanders are allowed to retreat, if a Centurion orders retreat, his face gets broken by the Legate.

And the weaponry the Legion uses is comparable to the NCR as many of them DO use guns but in a close range battle, NCR can't put up as well of a fight as a Legionary. Just as in real life, if weapons are of the same era(21st Century, late 20th century), what really matters is the willpower of the troops.
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