Military: Who is the most experienced the best-trained militaryLegion
Why? The Legion basically uses "survival of the fittest" to train their troops. Not only do they go through brutal training (I believe Moore herself compares the Legion training to that of the Ranger training, saying it's either equal to or superior to Ranger training), but afterwards they're sent to the front lines. You start on the front lines and work your way back. You either adapt and learn how to fight or you die. That's that. The result is that every Legionaire has up-close-and-personal, first hand experience with combat, whereas many NCR troopers get 2 weeks training without any actual combat.
Weaponry: Who is the most experienced with them.Difficult to answer.
The Legion and the NCR prefer two different styles of combat. The Legion prefers to rely on physical strength and mental cunning/strategy in combat, whereas the NCR prefers to learn how to shoot a rifle and they're not afraid to use a few drugs to help in combat (Med-X and Psycho). Both are very good at what they do best. The best way to solve this would be to look at how they do with the OTHER weapon type, but this doesn't work either. Ranger Stella and Ranger Andy provide evidence of at least the Rangers being fairly capable in hand to hand combat to the point where Legionnaires at the fort think no one would be able to 1v1 a Ranger, whereas the Legion is also more than capable of using a rifle, with some of them even criticizing the accuracy of NCR sharpshooters. Furthermore, the NCR has more experience with explosives, whereas the Legion, surprisingly, has some experience with energy weapons.
Can't answer. Both are very good with the weaponry they prefer.
Combat: What Faction is combat ready and best planned for any battle.
This goes straight to the leadership, imo. If you do a Legion playthrough and look at all the points Caesar has his men posted or wants attack, you can see there's an elaborate plan there. The Legion advances on all fronts, weakening the NCR, and once the battle commences, the Legion strikes from all sides, overrunning some locations and cutting off supply lines/reinforcements in others. The Legion also approaches the Second Battle of Hoover Dam fully aware of what their weakness is: they prefer close-ranged combat. So what do they do? They address the issue and figure out a way to close the gap between themselves and the NCR troops. The NCR on the other hand just waits, relying on that very strength to carry them, getting caught completely by surprise once that advantage has been taken from them.
Not to say the NCR doesn't have good leaders. The NCR owes the first battle to the brilliance of Chief Hanlon. The problem is simply, while the Legion does away with their failed leaders, the NCR goes in the wrong direction, replacing their successful leaders.
b]Supplied:[/b] What Faction is at times best supplied and healthy.Tough call, but Legion.
Why? Both seem to have issues with the fact that they have to guard more than one front, but the Legion seems to handle it better. Their troops are fine, they bide their time and live of the land, moving forward and improving their odds. They try to make lemons out of lemonade and do a pretty damn good job of doing so. When the NCR lacks supplies, everything comes to a halt. Nobody advances, but rather everyone stays put and waits.
Tactics: What Faction excels at combat and tactics.Tie.
The NCR had superior tactics for the first battle, whereas the Legion has better tactics at the second. It might be worth mentioning that the Legion is more cunning however, but that goes more into their spywork rather than their combat. The Legion may generally be able to adapt more often than the NCR, but the NCR still shows it has a couple leaders who share that trait.
Organized: The most orderly fashioned and organized.Legion.
If a commander says jump, they jump. The NCR barely seems organized at all. It's worth noting that the Legion recruits are noted as falling apart if they lose their commander, but SOME organization is better than no organization at all.
Ranking system: whose works best.Legion, without a doubt.
One system is completely theoretical, the other is proven in combat. Not a tough decision.
Support: If the Troopers fail what does the factions bring in next.
Neither? Not sure I understand. If we're talking allies, then neither one is incredibly popular with other factions.
Technology:Who is superior.
They're simply more open-minded about utilizing tech. The Legion will shun chems and rarely use any weaponry that's prone to breaking, utilizing those only for the incredibly important battles. The Legion doesn't have much understanding of technology at all, not understanding a wire tap, some of them needing instruction on how to deactivate a mine.
Arsenal: Who has the best weaponry and armour.
Same as above, pretty much. Worth noting that the Legion WILL utilize tech when neccesary (Caesar's guards are decked out, Centurions have AMRs for the Hoover Dam battle), but while their arsenal might be more pristine, they would have less experience fixing it back up or rebuilding it.
Technology: Who has the superior pre war tech.
NCR. Again, same as above.
Region: What Homeland is the best protected.
We don't know much, but it sounds like the Legion. The NCR often complains that their roads aren't protected it's plagued with Brahmin barons. The Legion? It sounds like no one dares step out of line, so the roads are safe and there's little to no crime.
Enemies: Who has most control over there territory.
In this case, it's important to note that the Legion ARE the aggressors. The Legion doesn't have enemies, THEY are the enemy. They fight offensive wars, not defensive ones. If the Legion loses control of something, then they lose control of a front; they lose control of an attempt to expand. They often fight small tribes who could never pose an immense threat to the Legion. Lanius mentions they may have trouble defending both fronts, but he speaks hypothetically, referring to if the Legion won Vegas and kept pressing westward. The NCR on the other hand seems to have trouble in Baja and we know they've got problems with the Brotherhood of Steel.
Trade: Who has the best trade system.
I'm honestly not quite sure how you want us to define this. The Legion has safer trade routes but they have less to trade, considering they shun a lot of tech and don't accept allies.
[b]Food: In was faction are people best fed and kept well.
Food-wise? The Legion. They can hunt and survive off the land. The NCR has trouble feeding it's army, both due to problems with supply lines and a lack of resources.
Kept well? This could go either way, considering that the Legion is generally healthier, but the NCR is the one that has doctors available for if someone's in really bad condition.
Structure: Who excels and building.
Money: What currency is the best for the wastes.
Government: Who runs their land best.
These seem subjective to me, but...
NCR has more experience with tech and therefore they're more capable of building.
Money, does it matter?
Government, from an objective standpoint that doesn't look at the policies and government style, the Legion runs smoother.
Vegas: Who should win the battle of Hoover dam?
Best: Whom would best run Vegas
Fiends: What faction would wipe out the Fiends fastest
Love: Whom would the citizens of Vegas like most
All of those are incredibly subjective, so I don't think we can really answer them.