Write your Characters Backstory

Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:48 am

i will post mine as an example.

Name-Edgar Redcliff


Age at time of Skyrim-26

Combat Style- bladed weapon with stealth, with the occasional use of stealth.

Alignment-True Neutral (will change depending on how the story affects him)

Back story- after a life of Cushy living as the son of a noblemen in Highrock, Edgar grew spoiled. he started to use his fathers wealth and power to be able to get away with anything. at the age of 16 Edgar started to roll with a gang of street thugs, they would shake down peasants harass store owners, and occasionally burn down old buildings. Edgars father started to grow angry at his son, and despised the person he was turning into. His father had him sent away, to live with a family friend and farm worker that lived in western skyrim,hoping that he could teach Edgar hard work and discipline. Unfortunately Edgar could not be withheld that easily. at the age of 20, he fled the old mans farm and before he knew it, wound up in a group of bandits. He had no idea what he was getting into, the bandits were ruthless, Edgar thought he would be prepared, but he couldnt bring himself to murder a traveling merchant family. unfortunately, his bandit allies left him there to take the fall for the crime, he was apprehended by guards and sent to prison. he had no idea what he was in for, Skyrims Judicial system was much less forgiving then Highrock's. he spent nearly 6 years imprisoned before a final verdict was set into action, his execution.
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