DLC patch

Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:25 pm

Sorry if there is 100 threads on this topic, just wondering why the devs cant patch a DLC? Im a fan of decorating my home, and certain objects in the sink vanish when i put them down, but not all items....

*iphone keypad fail
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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:44 pm

They can. It may just a lot easier to upload an updated version of the DLC (And they rarely do that unless it's a really major issue) They did this with the Pitt

For a patch you'd need either one patch for each DLC or a number of big patches that handle different combinations (ie: Base Game, Dead Money and Old World Blues, but no Honest Hearts) as not everybody may have got all the DLC.

My take on it anyway.
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:02 pm

For patch all needed is one manager, which would load patch module only if DLS is present.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:46 am

I play on xbox (dont laugh, my partner plays counter strike pro/am so i never get to game on pc) so additional managers and things are a no-no unfortunatly. After lurking on here for a few weeks i read a couple of things like "well its a dlc, you get what you're given, they cant patch it" the reasons you left a fairly sound, i just hope the devs iron out the little things (clipping issues on the pipes in big mt...)
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Nadia Nad
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:31 am

In my understanding it has to do with consoles and their file upload limitations. Again in my understanding Microsoft has more strict restrictions. Really, a patch for a dlc could be included as another "dlc" loaded after the DLC it fixes, but once again in my understanding Microsoft doesn't allow free content on XBL.

Disclaimer: All "in my understanding" prefixed claims are thing's i've heard, and may be incorrect. I only have a PS3 and PC myself.
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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:21 pm

XBL does do freebies, fable has a free version of all the premium packs, so users can still play together. Loading order for DLC was an issue with the frostcragg sprire in oblivion, something to do with the order locked the door to the 'upgrade shop' if you will. This was easly sorted on the pc, but current gen consoles are a bit ham fisted when it comes to managment. I needs me a dev kit, in an e3 demo i think it was, todd howard said he "can just export mods from his pc to the console via devkit"
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:20 pm

Im a fan of decorating my home, and certain objects in the sink vanish when i put them down, but not all items....

I can help you with this. If you want to put something on display in your bedroom (for example), you need to make sure you drop the item from your inventory onto the bedroom floor. If you drop the item in any other room (like the living room) but then drag/carry it over tor your bedroom, it will turn invisible when you attempt to display it.

Same applies to every other room. If you want to display a jar of Salient Green on one of the shelves in the kitchen, you have to make sure you release the jar from your inventory onto the kitchen floor and nowhere else, otherwise it goes invisible.
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:16 pm

Yea I love new Vegas but odsidian u guys need to fix the keys in dead money and some of the notes like the blackmail note the songs and the partitures they fill the misc inventory so full it ruins the immersion. As well as the bos power armour perk quest I've got misc in inventory that looks like a mess of junk. Maybe halfords notes and the camp guardian log as well.Tho it's quite easy to avoid this quest altogether avoiding dm is a huge drag. Btw owb was awesome I really enjoyed it.
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Joie Perez
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:43 am

u guys need to fix the keys in dead money and some of the notes like the blackmail note the songs and the partitures they fill the misc inventory so full it ruins the immersion. As well as the bos power armour perk quest I've got misc in inventory that looks like a mess of junk. Maybe halfords notes and the camp guardian log as well.Tho it's quite easy to avoid this quest altogether avoiding dm is a huge drag.

I feel your pain. I sided with Hardin and had McNamara removed as Elder for one reason and one reason only: to finish the BoS quests without getting stuck with that thing you're referring to (Remote Signal Transmitter).

The two keys we get after dealing with Dean Domino should be applied to the keychain, but they appear separately in our Misc inventory instead.

Vera's Partitures are useless. Can't get rid of them. Can't progress with the quest without picking them up.

"Halford's Note" is applied to the player's inventory in the form of a journal note (which is all that's necessary) and as a separate quest item (totally unnecessary). And all of those Camp Guardian notes should appear in our journal like most notes, not as friggin' quest items. Really annoying.
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