Thoughts on Ulysses and What "lies" in the Divide?

Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:33 am

in going to say a g.e.c.k rocket or time machine in a vault or with the storm in the the divide it a rip in time where the old world is supended in time and when you go there you get traqed in time and thats why people dont return. it could be there are lots of nukes sleeping there waiting to be fired off and ulysses wanted to ask the
big M.T how to fire them and witch targets to point them at all we know is he left with dangerous info so there must be a weapon there like liberty prime the last of the old world tec just sleeping waiting for a battle
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Jessica Raven
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:33 pm

I think people might be getting a little too esoteric in their attempts to interpret the clues. I think we can make a reasonable assumption based on the game itself.

1. None of the previous DLC's change the world in any major way (except the premature ending in DM). LR will undoubtedly be the same.

2. Both Christine and Dog/God mention the Divide and the fight between the Courier and Ulysses. Ulysses and the Courier will be enemies.

3. We know, without any doubt, how the game ends - the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. LR will not contradict the ending of the base game in any way.

It will probably go something like this - the Courier picks up a broadcast and follows it. He'll end up in the Divide, and will either have to fight his way to Ulysses, or he'll meet Ulysses right away, Ulysses will partially explain what's going on, and he'll run off. The Courier will catch up to him, and will either have to convince him to stop what he's doing, or kill him. Whatever it is Ulysses wants to do, or attempts to do, in the Divide will fail - because we know how New Vegas ends - not with "new" America, or a G.E.C.K. transformation, or a nuclear explosion.

They might add a Dead Money style throw away ending, allowing you to help Ulysses - but that ending would also end the game.

The goal will be to stop Ulysses from doing what he wants to do.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:47 pm

Ulysses turns to look at you when you reach the final main quest point.

And..wait..OH MY GOD!

It's actually
Samuel L. Jackson.

I swear to god, if Samuel L. appears as Ulysses and says anything about a royal with cheese I will loose my [censored].
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:31 pm

I think people might be getting a little too esoteric in their attempts to interpret the clues. I think we can make a reasonable assumption based on the game itself.

1. None of the previous DLC's change the world in any major way (except the premature ending in DM). LR will undoubtedly be the same.

2. Both Christine and Dog/God mention the Divide and the fight between the Courier and Ulysses. Ulysses and the Courier will be enemies.

3. We know, without any doubt, how the game ends - the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. LR will not contradict the ending of the base game in any way.

It will probably go something like this - the Courier picks up a broadcast and follows it. He'll end up in the Divide, and will either have to fight his way to Ulysses, or he'll meet Ulysses right away, Ulysses will partially explain what's going on, and he'll run off. The Courier will catch up to him, and will either have to convince him to stop what he's doing, or kill him. Whatever it is Ulysses wants to do, or attempts to do, in the Divide will fail - because we know how New Vegas ends - not with "new" America, or a G.E.C.K. transformation, or a nuclear explosion.

They might add a Dead Money style throw away ending, allowing you to help Ulysses - but that ending would also end the game.

The goal will be to stop Ulysses from doing what he wants to do.
i agree it will not change the end game at all. what happens will only effect the divide im hopping we will see the gun runners HQ but there could be big explosion in the devide
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:47 pm

I swear to god, if Samuel L. appears as Ulysses and says anything about a royal with cheese I will loose my [censored].

Roger R. Cross is ulysses
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:02 pm

I suppose that the Gun Runners could have some connection. But honestly, I think it is more of a side-activity than part of its main plot.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:39 am

I suppose that the Gun Runners could have some connection. But honestly, I think it is more of a side-activity than part of its main plot.

I also believe that. I would imagine that whatever happens in LR won't change the game world at large at all.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:04 pm

Ulysses wants something that can never be. The "Old World" is gone, and America can never be resurrected. If he believes he CAN, then he is just as deranged as Elijah.

From a logistical standpoint alone, the US could never return. There would have to be either thousands of vaults with thousands of "Americans" that had managed to keep their "Old World" ideals intact, or Ulysses would have to do some massive damage to the societies that exist (like the NCR) in order for a small number of "Americans" to re-claim the former US.

My idea is that Ulysses is almost a cult leader figure - promising things he can never deliver. His voice on the OWB tapes even sounds cultish. Maybe he wants a book, or an artifact, that will help him form his own vision of "America" - similar to the way Caesar resurrected "Rome"

I also hope I get to kill him.

But remember the vaults were never meant to save any one.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:38 pm

Now that im seeing other people say vaults i would agree. Probably a very large vault with the storms being man made to keep humans and possibly other creatures away similar to hidden valley but more extreme.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:52 pm

My thoughts exactly...

Must we kill such an interesting character?

My theory, the first half of the add-on will be a hike to find ulysses, encountering the nasty beasties and hazards of The Divde. And they'll we'll find Ulysses, taking a rest somewhere on a mountain-top, cue discussion on the Courier's past life, and Ulysses motives, all of this being very cryptic, but more informative than dead money. follow this with a second half being Ulysses as companion hike through the divide, Ulysses revealing what lies there and why he cares about the old world. You find what he's looking for (lol no idea honestly) and he reveals everything after much talk, then, you either challenge his "Old World Blues" resulting in a climatic battle/speech check, or decide to help him, if your a wild card, changing the full game ending slide.

Honestly, I think that the Courier's 'message' isn't as drastic as people think, I like to think Ulysses and The Courier used to be close friends, maybe even looked for the wasteland's hope like Ulysses does now together, but one day the Courier had a change of heart, maybe gave up on a tribe when Ulysses wanted to move on, and Ulysses went on without him, until we got the Chip job, because he wanted to show his handywork, maybe try and re-recruit us.

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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:09 pm

Roger R. Cross is ulysses

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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:18 pm

Maybe he will have to help him let go (Dead Money), or help him make a decision between forgiveness and redemption (Honest Hearts).
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Timara White
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:16 pm

II think it's really funny to see al these topics and posts with people trying to guess what is going to happen in LR. Why is it funny? Because of the crazy ideas/suggestions that people come up with!! But some ideas are actually pretty good.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:25 pm

/crazy whackadoo theory to follow what if uly doesnt want to kill the courier instead the courier is actually responsible for finding a transcon maglev rail road and uly heard about it they fought over the implications of it after finding out it cant go all the way to anywhere but it can go to vault-tec's only truly designed to succeed vault that holds 10,000 cryo frozen people the courier was for not releasing them uly was for releasing them so the courier who figured out how to revive them stole and hid the only key to the train and password to the revivifier machine, so uly figures the courier carries the code and key on him and decides on petty revenge letting benny give the courier a lead injection to the forehead thinking that hed just find his dead body and dig it and the key and pass up later only mr house gets there first and uly when he comes to check on the couriers boddy in g-springs and hes not there so he goes all over looking for either a backup sys and a bypass or way to wake them without either he sends the signal to the courier hoping that he can jog his memory and remember where they were hidden so he can get them and use them because he found out from klein that if he uses the bypass it causes the system to over load causing a semi localized ice age meaning all the people are fine but the system goes into overload freezing everything for miles around

yeah that sounds crazy enough i think
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:31 am

I'm looking forward to meeting him and if we have to fight him to the death it's going to make me mad.
I'm also perplexed by folk who want to kill NPCs rather then interact with them.

So, killing isn't interaction? :rolleyes:
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:15 pm

So, killing isn't interaction? :rolleyes:

Not if you pull out a pistol without listening to hiss reasoning at all and kill him dead. That's not interaction. That's just weighing in on foolish first impulses and perceptions. And no, I don't consider it interaction. I consider it foolish.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:55 am

Not if you pull out a pistol without listening to hiss reasoning at all and kill him dead. That's not interaction. That's just weighing in on foolish first impulses and perceptions. And no, I don't consider it interaction. I consider it foolish.

I, personally, do intend to listen to him. I just want to be able to kill him. Just like with Joshua Graham.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:58 pm

Ulysses will probably only appear towards the end of the DLC, similar to Elijah, but will communicate to us through holotapes, radio, notes, or physically (but out of reach/shooting distance (for those of you thinking to kill him early lol)) untill it is time. Im betting his Karma will be nutural, like Mr. House believe it or not, so his actions can be interpreted depending on *your* ethics, therefore not forcing you to prejudge him and make a rash decision. According to Old World Blues, he learned something of great importance from the Think Tank before departing. I couldnt even guess what it might have been, but it is hinted that this information is dangerous, or at least, dangerous in the wrong hands. It could have been a location of a place or an item. He seems to be EXTREMELY concerned with history, so i might as well guess that he is looking for some pre-war tech, or books, to help him revive the Old World. But the most interesting aspect of Ulysses is perhaps why he has taken on such a great burden of reviving the Old World. What could possibly drive someone to do such a thing?
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:52 pm

According to Old World Blues, he learned something of great importance from the Think Tank before departing. I couldnt even guess what it might have been, but it is hinted that this information is dangerous, or at least, dangerous in the wrong hands. It could have been a location of a place or an item. He seems to be EXTREMELY concerned with history, so i might as well guess that he is looking for some pre-war tech, or books, to help him revive the Old World. But the most interesting aspect of Ulysses is perhaps why he has taken on such a great burden of reviving the Old World. What could possibly drive someone to do such a thing?

Just consider where the info came from. The Think Tank can hardly be considered super reliable - especially since they've had no contact with the outside world, and don't even remember what the appendages on our hands are called! Ulysses might be in for a disappointment.

He's like Elijah and Caesar. Obsessed to the point of delusion. Reviving the Old World - a world that nearly destroyed itself in nuclear fire? What kind of person would want to do it? Someone that doesn't understand the ramifications of what he wants to do.

Remember, also, that in the tapes we hear in OWB - Ulysses can't possibly know what might be left in the Divide. Yet he insists to Christine that she is wrong, and he is right. Not only is he deluded, but he's a smug, arrogant, jerk.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:17 pm

from Mobius it can be inferred that the question was makes or breaks a nation
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