FOMM problem

Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:38 pm

Anyone have any idea why FOMM is not keeping my load order for FONV? I can arrange them, then close FOMM, then open it, and mods have moved around. Actually it's always the same ones, about half a dozen. Not sure why this is happening, kind of irritating. What's strange is that some of the mods are bolded in FOMM and others aren't. The bolded ones aren't moving but the plain ones are the ones giving me problems. I really need some help getting this fixed as I can't really manually update the load order every time I start the game - it will be a real pain. Anyone have any idea what is happening? Thanks.

EDIT: Ok, I know what the problem is. ESM files are the bold files. However, the files that don't move include a number of files that are esp's but FOMM said their headers mark them as esm's. So FOMM is putting them up top and any "pure" esp's move to the bottom. Any idea how to fix this?
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Jennie Skeletons
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