patch made NV worse!

Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:33 am

im here before you 2day because when i downloaded the latest patch that was said to fix all the bugs and gliches, it didnt. it was normal at first didnt freeze that much, only about once every couple days. butt, in the past month it freezes 3 - 4 times when i play for about 4 hours. places that with lag 96%of the time that ur at the location are places i call red zones (freeside, camp for lorn hope, ceaser's camp, and about 1 - 2 more that i cant think of right now). for me, most of the locations are now red zones. it is so goddam lagy! im on the breaking point of throwing NV off the top of Mt. Diablo. i thought bethesda, or who evers making the patches, said they spent like 4 months making this patch to make the game better! THEY SPENT 4 MOTHS TRYING TO MAKE THE GAME WORSE! so could you guys please be kind of to make a patch that fixes every thang, and really do it, and not just say u did and make it worse. i really want to enjoy fallout like i did with F3. and icant wait to getOWB and LR.
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:19 am

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P PoLlo
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:14 pm

This should be posted under hardware and software issues, for whichever system you're playing it on.

- That may explain it - using moths only introduces more bugs! :biggrin:
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Alada Vaginah
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:43 am


How many save files do you have, and do you overwrite them or make a new one every time?

'Cause I'll put money on that being your problem.
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:42 pm

This should be posted under hardware and software issues, for whichever system you're playing it on.

- That may explain it - using moths only introduces more bugs! :biggrin:

That made my day. Actual bugs in the system. LOL.
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:35 am

I agree with the part about the game getting worse, but I don t think its because of a lack of trying.

The HH patch had things working good enough for me, the OWB patch messed things up they had fixed before.
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:04 am

But rook, is it stability or just bugs like with the SCIU?

I haven't seen any more freezing since the last patch.

I have seen a few bugs with OWB, but no freezing.

But maybe that's just me.
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:24 am

The sink vender was a mistake of some sort. The fps drop is back really bad in the "red zones" the op speaks of. PS3 does not really freeze it just drops frames until you just shut the game off.

It has something to do with when a number of tick marks show up on my radar.

When I had 360 it really never dropped frames, it just said [censored] this and froze. lol

Fo3 and fo nv are awesome games, but at the same time they have the worst performance for a 1 player game I think I have ever seen.

nv more than fo3 for me.

I just tell my self everthing will be better on the creation engine.

I think they try, but the engine is past its limits for games like fo nv.
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Big Homie
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:55 am

I'm hoping the devs will continue to patch until the game is more stable. I'm getting more CTD now than I had before Patch 1.3. I didn't really play from Patch 1.3 to 1.4 and now I have Dead Money loaded so I don't know why it's CTD again, but it is. :( Along with still needing Boone's no head-tracking to be fixed (and I have to keep mentioning it in the hopes that someone will care enough to fix it), now the CTD problem has to be addressed. Please don't stop patching, Bethesda...I know people want to move on but more fixes are needed in FNV.
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:46 am

I thought getting the game on the amazing PC version would solve all my problems, but it only solves things the ~ key can solve. On a 4-5 hour NV session, I get around 2-6 crashes.
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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:10 am

I know how you feel. Mine got all kinds of stupid bugs and glitches post patch on PS3. :(
ED-E gets stuck, it lags a bit more and it's stopped autosaving sometimes. Among others. When a companion and ED-E walk thorugha door or ona narrow walkway, ED-E gets stuck and you have to dismiss him to get the other person moving!
Among the worst ones is this.
It changes your ncr rep and other reps for no freaking reason to neutrel at points in the main quests. It's a COMPLETE AND TOTAL PAIN IN THE ASS! You spend ages raising your ncr rep and then when you need it most it turns it to freaking neutrel!
And NO, it's nothing to do with Don't Step On The Bear! That quest does'nt take that much rep it takes you from idolized the freaking neutrel!
Last time I was idolized by the ncr right till You'll Know it when It Happens, then in the middle of hoover dams bridge it suddenly turns to freaking neutrel for no freaking reason!
I had'nt even done anything beyond destroy the BoS bunker and say the barest minimum possible when I did the horrible CL trophies, for the trophies only, when it turned to nuetrel for no reason!
I got attacked by a CL assasin squad when it was at liked with CL too! They really, really overdid the CL assasin squads, for strength and the ammount!

It does'nt know what the hell it's doing! Reps change or don't make sense. One time your vilified by the powder gangers at the start, another your neutrel! Same for great kahns!
Beyond The Beef, that quests a freaking joke!
It's like the games coming apart!
That was a bad patch.

If that pathetic excuse for a game engine has ANY PART in the next fallout game, the people making it are complete and utter idiots! It is the worst game engine I have EVER SEEN ON ANY GAME EVER!

I really, really hope the next game engine is completely new and nothing to do with that horrible lag, crash, freeze glitch, bug monster!
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:45 am

Jumbled Letters Guy: I agree, my reps sometimes just get wiped. One day the Legion will send assassins after me, the next day they like me because I'm neutral. My NCR rep has gotten wiped one too many times now.
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Anna Watts
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:10 am

The fps drop is back really bad in the "red zones" the op speaks of. PS3 does not really freeze it just drops frames until you just shut the game off.

Though these things still happen in the Mojave they are somewhat rare. When I am in the Mojave I get freezes every now and then. But I'd say about every 5 minutes or so, when I'm in the Big MT, I get the frame rate drops and I have to restart. It also happens every single time I leave the sink. It's quite possibly the most annoying, rage inducing thing I can think of and it completely destroys immersion, which happens to be the best part of this game.

Fo3 and fo nv are awesome games, but at the same time they have the worst performance for a 1 player game I think I have ever seen.

Agree with you there.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:35 pm

Before the latest, I had very few issues, on the 360. Now, the safehouses reset. You loose anything you have in storage. I liked using all of them. The sink came along, and I thought GREAT! Finally a place with everything. I can decorate it the way I want. WRONG! It looses anything you set out. I can live through it and work around it, but it it still takes away so much with my character.

The reps resetting however, is a gamebreaking issue. There are things you can do, but I don't want to rely on exploiting another glitch to fix it. Even then it's not reliable. It doesn't adjust the reps of all the factions, to what they were before it reset them to normal.

Before, I never experienced a crash. I had a lag issues after 4-5 hrs of gameplay, but now it locks up and lags all the time.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:34 pm

That made my day. Actual bugs in the system. LOL.

hey, that's where the term 'debug' is quoted from! It was even a moth that caused the computer the fail...
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