Dwemer tried being unburdened. Their success is still in dispute. CHIM would be another way to achieve it, but it depends if you think Vivec obtained it or not. Hell, Shor's whole point of Mundus was to allow mortals to reach the highest state.
Also, for the love of the Chaos gods! Akatosh is the result of Alessia's politicking. Alduin/Auriel are the original incarnations of the time god. It's even in the in-game books.
Should Vivec be considered the ultimate source on this? He says "perhaps" he did it for that reason. Altmer think he did it because that since he is Sithis incarnate, he is "0" incarnate, and feels the drive to limit everything. The Monomyth says Men believe it allows them to achieve immortality, but Varieties of Faith turns around and says it's the Dunmer that believe that the Endeavor is the goal.
Imperials believe that he created it so lesser spirits could have choice, and Nords change their minds a lot, so they probably do not have a consistent view. Bretons and Redguards hate the Space God.
Also, OP: We never killed a god in it's divine state. The Tribunal was weakened, Ur was immortal until you severed him from the Heart, and Jygalagg wasn't killed. The Eight and One are connected to Mundus, destroying them would have unfortunate affects. The Missing Ninth is dead, but he used his Heart to keep Mundus alive.
And Talos has CHIM, which gives him the power of a lucid dreamer. Unlike Vehk, who
might have it, we know this guy has it.