What area of Skyrim would you like the screenshot take place? (volcanic tundra, interior thieves' guild)
NPCs in background? (Argonian anyone?)
For me, first I'd like to say I'd rather have the Dunmer thief be a Dunmer mage but it's cool. But anyway, I want him/her to be a darker skinned dark elf with long black hair, a glass eye with a scar vertically across the glass eye and the other eye be dark red and a dark stubble. As for armor/clothing, I'd like to get a better look at the armor the PC was wearing in the gameplay trailer in the dwemer ruin. And as for weapons I'd like to see him/her dual-wielding daggers.
For the location of the screenshot, I'd like it to be in the volcanic tundra, which I believe to be the last area to be seen.
And as for NPCs in background....yeah...self-explanatory. ARGONIAN!!! duh dee duh