Problem with "I could Make you care" Quest

Post » Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:22 am

When I first started the mission I already had a piece of the technology needed to convince Elder Mcnamara, so when I went for the first time first Veronica argued with him, then she stopped, then she started talking about the technology I found basically getting the next part of the quest done, then as we were leaving the bunker the BoS people stopped us and told us to stop what we were doing and what not, then Veronica told me to go to that shack that Elijah had the computer that has all the info on the technology we need to get but I already acquired all of them, the range finder, Farming technology, and the pulse gun. Then I am only left with two options on the quest. 1. Go back to Hidden Valley and present the Elder with your findings. Or 2. go to Nellis AFB and look for information on the Pulse gun, which im assuming is the key. And when I try the first option nothing happens, Veronica and the Elder dont talk or anything. Any help on this matter would be appreciated. From what I can gather I basically did everything I needed to do before the quest started and it messed it up somehow, and sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but im on the 360 so this looked like the best spot.
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