Goodspring Glitch

Post » Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:18 pm

I have just saw this on You Tube. I fell alsleep through most of it, but it was interesting though. I could never do this.
Ever since I did the 5X level ups for Morroiwn and Obivlion I try not to do them no more since having a super strong
character so early is not fun at all.

But for those who want to try something different or outrageous here is a link I saw on Youtube.
I didn't make it, but just thought I would share it for those who might want to try it out. I am just baffled, how the heck this person found this.
What was he doing to get to this?

My son found a glitch I think at Helios One where he leved up to level 30 right away. I guess that is less work than
the YouTube video but no where as powerfull or getting so much armour and ammo.

So my question is, do you guys and girls like using glitches? For me, I don't. If you like using glitches how come
you like it? If not, why not? For me as I said I don't like becoming too strong too soon otherwise the game gets
boring and no fun to play for me.
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Post » Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:36 am

Glitch = blue :obliviongate:
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Jessica White
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