I don't understand grinding in a single player game. Nobody is going to give you awards for doing it the hard way then.
It depends on
why one is grinding, although in the general case I happen to agree with you that there's not much point in a SP game.
In this instance it appears the OP is going for a combat-centric character who can't be bothered with the affairs of others; with quests not available as a source of XP gain, grinding is about all that's left. One positive about such an approach: you can pretty much ignore certain skills and perks and concentrate on anything that increases combat effectiveness, which makes SP allocation and perk selection much easier since you don't have to spread points around as much.
While I probably won't do a character like this myself, it's actually eminently practical to level this way; you'll be locked out of the bumper crops of XP available in the DLCs, though, since you have to finish them before you can leave them which involves completing quests.
I do
not recommend trying to level this way if you're running an XP-reduction mod, though, as it will quickly get tedious.