Still, even though he (obviously) based his legion on ancient Rome, it seems a bit weird that he dresses the men in tunics or 'man skirts' and all the women are covered up like a 5 year old going out to play in the snow.
Well if its based of old Rome then obviously the guys would be wearing a,r:1,s:57 and as for the women their not exactly going to be walking around in naughty nightwear when their supposed to be slaves and this is why they're wearing they dont get the chance to look beautiful like other.
The real Caesar: Its very likely that the rumours were spread only as a form of character assassination since this kind of attack happened often in ancient Rome to discredit politcal oppenents. He had Cleopatra and Caepionis and someone else so I dont think he was gay.
Edward Sallow: Homosixuality was punishable by death in Rome so I believe Edward would have adopted this too since theres a gay prosttute on the run from the Legion because they'll kill him. Maybe if Edwards story follows that of the Real Caesar then he'll have someone similar to Cleo after they win the Dam over, maybe Moore lol. Though we don't know if he has a women since hes on the frontlines and it would be stupid of him to ever mention or hint at the fact he has a relationship with someone as this could cause their death and cause Caesar to act irrationally and cause the Legions down fall.
Lanius has a female slave in his tent so he ain't gay I know that