Femme Fatale Cyborg Ranger- Natasha “The Black Widow”
NCR is the best bet for long term stability and Legion needs to be brutalized
Small Frame
S: 6 (With Weapon Handling/Spine Perk, anything is your weapon)
P: 7 (Have to see a target to shoot it)
E :7 (Gotta be tough to get implants and fight)
C: 1 (Who said sixy women are nice?)
I: 5 (Not any smarter than the average waster)
A: 7 (A great stealth operative)
L: 7 (Very lucky)
Wears Desert Ranger Combat Armor, wields Ranger Vet weaponry ________________________________________________________________________
Gay Doctor and General Science! Hero (Mildly Cybernetic)- Doctor Jack Gray
My boyfriend and I understand that Vegas should be under no one’s control.
Good Natured
S: 5 (Tougher than he looks)
P: 7 (Sharp Eyed)
E: 5 (Tougher than he looks)
C: 7 (He’s charming.)
I: 9 (GENIUS!)
A: 1 (Super klutzy and slow in a fight)
L: 6 (A little luck is good to have…)
Wears Follower’s Lab Coat or Remnants Power Armor (For Heavy Weapons Fighting)
Cannibalistic Gentleman, Gambler, and Agent of Intrigue-Alex Mercer
The House Always Wins
Good Natured
Four Eyes
S: 5 (With an implant, he can use all weapons he needs)
P:5 (Fairly perceptive, wears a hat and sunglasses
E:3 (Not a strong fighter)
C:8 (Charismatic)
I:6 (Smart enough to save his own skin)
A:5 (Only enough to shoot moderately straight)
L: 8 (LUCKY!)
Wears a pre-war business suit and only wields weapons he can hide on his person during a search.
Explosives and Melee Tribal Warrior- Grant
True to Caesar!
Four Eyes
Loose Cannon
S-8 (Strong as a bull)
P-8 (Is excellent at locating enemies and destroying them)
E- 9 (A brick wall)
C-1 (Mean)
I- 2 (Dumb)
A- 5 (Not particularly agile)
L- 7 (Can get up to 10 luck)
Wears Leather Armor- Reinforced and only uses explosives and melee/unarmed weapons