FNVEdit 'Remove "Identical to master" records' weird

Post » Fri Aug 05, 2011 9:34 pm

I clean my mod periodically with FNVedit using the Undelete/disable and 'remove identical to master records' functions. However, the last 5 or 10 times that I have done the latter one, I remove 80 records. Then the next time I do it, it's the same 80. They all look like this:

Removing: GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:0101EA33] (in N9ExteriorWorldPresent "Nevada 9 - Exterior Area" [WRLD:0101E960] at -2,0)
Removing: GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:0101FA75] (in N9ExteriorWorldPast "Nevada 9 - Exterior Area" [WRLD:0101529C] at -3,-1)

Just each one has a different CELL: number, and X,X cell coordinate. It removes 4kb of data, but happens every time I clean my mod.

What does this mean? Is there something wrong with my custom worldspaces? Why do THEY have records identical to the master (just FalloutNV.esm) when they have nothing to do with it?

Is this an issue at all, or can I ignore it?

Thanks for any input,

Alexander J. Velicky

EDIT: Incase you guys can't tell, my mod is in Beta stages, and is nearly complete, so I'm figuring out all the random little oddities. :P
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