Holorifle, Survivalist's Rifle, and Elijah's LAER, since you can mod it :wink_smile:
The Weapons in Dead Money and Honest Hearts are far and away superior to the ones found in Old World Blues. With the first two, you got a decent collection of various guns that actually do a decent amount of damage against enemies, while with the latter, you get weapons that way up to 27 pounds, that hardly do any damage to robots or lobotomites, and there are a few that break down easily. I like the unique weapons such as Protonic inversal axe, X2 antenna, Elijah's Advanced LAER, christine's rifle, and Elijah's Tesla Cannon. But these weapons are not as good as the Holorifle or the Survivalist Rifle. The melee weapons (from OWB) don't do that much damage, the Sonic Emitter is only useful for the force field disrupter feature, many weapons are heavy, a depreciate in condition very fast, and all of them don't do that much damage to enemy combatants. I still liked Old World Blues, but the devs could have done a better job with the weapons and armor!!!!


bliviongate: : :sadvaultboy: :sadvaultboy: