Lucky 38, The SINK, safehouse, or other?

Post » Fri Aug 05, 2011 6:18 pm

It doesn't take me long either and I'm also on PS3. Only problem is it occasionally dies FPS-wise when I try to leave. How's your base looking? Mine's mostly just decorated with guns :happy: I'd love to make something unique in there... like I saw a Fallout 3 video of someone making a pyramid of Nuka-Cola Quantum bottles using chess boards in their Megaton home. It looked truly stunning!

:o a Pyramid you say? I'm definitely going to try that, for the brain/heart/spine room. I'll probably use Nuka Cola Quartz. ...Yes..Yes... and on the top of the Pyramid will be the Evil Gnome, ruling his kingdom. That definitely sounds like fun :D! I've mostly got Unique items like Scripture and Party Hat on my shelves, along with various weapons. :thumbsup:
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Darlene DIllow
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Post » Fri Aug 05, 2011 9:18 pm

I have been to every location and could never find my idea of a perfect safe house witch would idealy be high up with a veiw of the mojave, have a fridge, bed, lighting and storage. In the end i used a house in goodsprings, the abandoned BOS bunker and the sniper shack thing. The one i frequent most in the house in goodsprings though.

oh and ofcourse i have a few in OWB such as the sink and house 101.
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:41 am

Lucky 38. Aiden(My Courier) and Mr. House have a father-son relationship so why wouldn't they live under the same building as the only two fleshy lifeforms, even if one doesn't use his body.

But I always use the Sink when Aiden gets tired of the idiocy that his "friends" display.
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:28 am

Usually it's always Novac for me, though The Sink is likely to become my "vacation" place.

Don't know if the merchant resets yet though. Suppose I'll find out soon enough.

Novac just feels right for me. It's, so me.

Storage wise...

Fridge has the food and chems. Basically all aid items except books.
Dresser handles all specialty items and modified weapons. I also store unused weapons mods there.
Cabinet handles regular weapons, spent ammo and reloading components.
Footlocker has all misc. I did at one time seperate the items that I thought would be refrigerated but don't anymore.
Wardrobe, all apparel .
Desk, books, ammo.
Safe, all money, lotto tickets, gold bars, and something else I can't recall atm.

Unless I'm in hardcoe mode, I usually carry all of my ammo and other stuff that has no weight.
Sure getting tired of Motor Runner's helment and other weight I can't toss or store though.
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:09 am

NCR Ranger safehouse is where I keep my main cache of weapons and ammo at.
All companions live at the lucky 38 for easy retrieval...relative to jumping across the map to get a combination of 2 companions.
Sink is where I store my Gold Bars/things I feel that are too valuable to be left at a safe house that any one in the Mojave can access with enough force/incentive that can't be easily replaced. Also it's my main home away from home.
I'll never trust the Abandoned Brotherhood of Steel bunker because it gives me the creeps. Every time I go there I always make sure I have companions with me and I stay no longer then I have to.
Outside of that the only place I honesty felt safe was at Nellis Air Force Base, given that the Boomers blow everything up that approaches the gate.
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:58 am

What is up with items dropping underneath the PC in the BoS SH? That's why the stuff disappears! :mad:

At first I thought it was just the small stuff, but things like the LAER (this is all the LAER is good for imo; a decoration/toy lol :P) can be pushed through the ground aswell.
The damn stuff keep spawning under the Courier, anyone else have this issue?!
I may have to consider moving! :cryvaultboy:

The best way to fight it... Involves saves and reloads. A lot of em'. Drop things one at a time.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 5:13 am

What is up with items dropping underneath the PC in the BoS SH? That's why the stuff disappears! :mad:

At first I thought it was just the small stuff, but things like the LAER (this is all the LAER is good for imo; a decoration/toy lol :P) can be pushed through the ground aswell.
The damn stuff keep spawning under the Courier, anyone else have this issue?!
I may have to consider moving! :cryvaultboy:

The best way to fight it... Involves saves and reloads. A lot of em'. Drop things one at a time.

I always had that. Try looking at the exit to the safehouse (the shack door area); that's where most of my stuff used to end up :)
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:13 pm

I always had that. Try looking at the exit to the safehouse (the shack door area); that's where most of my stuff used to end up :)

Yeah, I went up there, saw some stuff :yes: . But not all of it.
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luis ortiz
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 5:27 am

I use Underground Hideout mod on the PC. It is EASILY the most functional safehouse I've ever seen (autosorting items into relevant containers ftw). The only thing the Sink does better is the talking appliances. But if I were to use a modless playthrough or on a console, then I would probably use the Sink, although being unable to get your companions there is still problematic.
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Becky Cox
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Post » Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:05 pm

My safehouse is Novac hotel, though I visit it only when I need to store stuff. Mostly I just drift on from place to place.
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Maddy Paul
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Post » Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:30 pm

Underground Hideout located around the gun runners. Has everything anyone could need.
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Danger Mouse
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Post » Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:00 pm

Used to be Novac and all the Safehouses. I had stuff stashed everywhere. That was pre patch. This game was strickly Novac, until....THE SINK...It will take me about 200 trips to move everything, but that's home now and forever. The only companions I run with are Cass and ED. They are both housed on that end of the map anyway.
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