Exponential distance multiplier and draw distance

Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 3:17 am

I tried messing around with the draw and fog end distances in MGE XE. For a while it seemed as if the exponential distance multiplier wasn't affecting anything, because it was set to 4.0, but my draw distance was 2.0 and fog ended at 1.8. Everything was peachy keen until I decided to fiddle around a little more and ended up turning exponential fog off, then back on. Suddenly I couldn't get to that ratio of 1.8 : 2.0 anymore. I turned the multiplier down to 2.5 and set the fog to end at 1.0, meaning that the draw distance was set to 2.5. I did some testing and found that my frame rate had substantially improved over even the frame rates I was getting with exponential fog disabled, but now statics were popping into view before fog end. I switched back to the default (recommended) 4.0, set my fog end distance dropped to 0.5 and my draw distance was at 2.0, but I'm still seeing statics popping into view.

Can I get back to that 1.8 : 2.0 ratio from before without disabling exponential fog? If not, how do I get rid of the pop-in without crippling my frame rate?
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 3:37 am

scince atmospheric scattering was implemented, i always had very noticeable popping of distant objects no matter wich settings i use. this was also often reported in the mgexe thread.

personaly i have a drawdistance of 18 and exponential distance multiplier of 5 and still have much object popping in the distance ... with a viewdistance of 2 this must be even more obvious.

i just hope that hrnchamd will return soon and continue his work on mgexe :(
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Damien Mulvenna
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