For a while I've been tinkering with the idea of building a landmass that has multiple small deserted towns and a variety of scattered Dwemer Installations. The island would have functioned as an archaeology dig site and you can take the task to find out why there has been no word from the site in a long time. Most likely it would be given by a representative in Ebonheart and the island would be located either to the North of the Sheogorad area or far South of the Ascadian Isles (Would conflict with Tameriel Rebuilt most likely)
Rather than being a combat orientated quest line where the most you'd fight is the occasional local wildlife it would have you exploring the settlements and picking up the various correspondence and scattered reports from the people that worked there to piece together what happened before reporting back with your conclusions.
I've no experience with creating quests so this is more a sounding out of "Would it be possible" to have a trigger for certain reports that when you have them give you the option to report those findings to your employer?
Among this there would be the backgrounds to discover of the people that worked on the island from the notes they left behind.
Mostly from replaying Doom 3 and spending the time to read it's PDA logs and from watching In the Mood For Love (a slow burner but well worth a watch) and one particularly touching way that a message was hidden sparked the idea for me.
Any suggestions/advice on feasibility?