» Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:00 pm
Cool, nice vid
This sounds a bit weird but if you don't use stealth, why is your stealth usage higher than your armour usage? (16.8% as opposed to 15.4%)
And why reflex instead of laser?
And I still don't quite get visor enhance, since you can already see an enemy if you're aiming down sights, why do you need to highlight them with visor enhance?
Also - you might want to know Aim Enhance has quite an interesting effect on the visor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YW-_It4N4Vg
Yeah, I've been tagging for a long time, I know it's advantages much longer before LN's video came out. I use the reflex because I hate the iron sights on the fy71. Visor Enhance is really nice for tracking stealthies who run around sporadically really quickly. Most people in that video didn't do that so much, but the red outline helps a ton.
In regards to my stealth level, before I met Bitey, I was like everyone else, but now I'm a changed man! But no seriously think about it. If I played 100 hours on MP, and every time I moved from kill to kill I was in stealth, I would accrue TONS of time in stealth. If I played 200 hours of MP after that first 100, and only used armor when I was in a dog fight, that would be a significantly less amount of time. Think of how much % of a game you are moving in between a fight, and how long you actually spend IN that fight. If you want to see that I no longer use stealth, go to my c2stats, and look at the graph for suit usage. At a certain day, it completely flat lines.