» Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:22 pm
I posted this information to Crytek a while back. I pointed them to all of the many different working hacks out there currently. I think there are currently two to three anti-kick hacks. One is an automated script that initiates a kick vote against a random player so that no one else can initiate a kick vote at that time. One is a hack that puts otherwise unallowed characters into the player name so they can't be kickvoted. If there is now one that shows a different name in game than their actual player name as far as the server is concerned that is news to me. Crytek should be on top of it though. They've been handed the information on the existing hacks as well as where new hacks are likely to pop up, and where the cheat creators and their followers congregate. All I can say is keep fighting the good fight. Capture the cheaters on video and hand them over to Crytek here
I know for a fact that some of the cheats out there currently are very hard to detect from the players point of view. So it is very hard to detect these cheater types by capturing them on video. For those that don't know there are currently cheats for crysis that are hacks that have evolved so as to not get caught. One is an energy hack that automatically changes the player from stealth to armor and back again so as to not get caught staying in stealth when firing. One is an aimbot that has adjustable accuracy. Crytek could put server side protection or go the punkbuster route to get most of the people using these types of hacks, or do both client side and server side. That will only net them the low hanging fruit however. A decent programmer can take the source for these hacks and rewrite it so that it still works but will not be picked up by punkbuster for instance. As long as that rewritten hack is not distributed the likelihood of being detected/caught is low as long as the hack takes measures to make the hacking less apparent to other players in the game