Need help building a character

Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:49 am

I was thinking about making a sneak/amazing VATS, crit/luck, GUNS build could anyone suggest something to me, I also like lockpicking, science, speech, barter to about 30 usually, and explosives but it isn't my top priority along with melee weapons but if I have spare points I may spend some in these skils
An all-around build would be nice to if anyone has one for that, I made two files on New Vegas but I didn't like the way it turned out. I'm a newbie to new vegas, I know my way around FOV 3 quite a bit but not New Vegas, if anyone has starting tips and help such as how to get to X location or where to find X item ( it would help if I could get some help on getting to Camp McCarran from a new game and other helpful places)
I will probably have my strength at 6.

This is my FOV 3 question, should I kill or help Roy Phillips with the Tenpenny Tower situation, my karma is very evil but I feel like I will benefit greater with the good karma choice.
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:53 pm

I can't help, but the Fallout wiki can! Although it can spoil things if you're not careful.

FO3: if you're role-playing an evil character you should probably take the evil path - unless you rationalise that your character is being evilly manipulative by choosing the good way!
Although you could argue that neither side there are actually that good.
I tried helping Roy Phillips just to see what would happen. It was quite nightmarish!
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:43 pm

This may be subject if you have the DLCs but...

Strength: Good at 6, where it is. Nothing higher is necesarry, especially with weapons handling and strength implants.
Perception: A 6 is needed for Better criticals and Sniper, both very important for a critical and VATS build. However I would think it best to leave it at 5 then get the perception implant to take you up to 6, this way you could just take the perks after. without having your perception at 7 for no need. Keep at 5.
Endurance: You don't seem to be tanking so Endurance isn't that important. However Edurance is never a bad attribute to have, especially since your endurance is the same as the amount of implants you can get. 5
Charisma: Basically useless. Only benefits companions and theyre good enough at 1 anyway. Drop down to 1 for extra points.
Intelligence: More useful if you have no DLCs, you should have no trouble maxing out all skills by level 45 if you have a good intelligence though. I would give it a good 7.
Agility: Gives you extra AP for VATS. So one of your main choices for a VATS build. A high 8
Luck: Since this is a Crit. build, Luck is important. Luck will directly affect your crit rate. A 7.

Important perks include: Better Criticals, Sniper, Commando, Gunslinger, Finesse, Sustained fire(?), Action boy, Math Wrath.
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