Cant believe i never though of this before

Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:55 am

the beggining video in FO2 they talk about arroyo and how the earth doesent forget there, aswell it could also be LA because it actually has a divide in the ground, is plagued by storms and is fairly close to LA and vegas both vital parts to the fallout world. They hintedalot at LA in the game, they also hinted alot at the burned man and look who showed up in a dlc

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James Rhead
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:59 pm

Thanks for ruining Fallout 2 for me

Fallout 2 is in no way ruined with that statement, you don't know the circumstances and the fate of Arroyo isn't an absolutely massive part of the plot. Most things in the game have absolutely nothing to do with Arroyo, actually.

They never give an exact location but Zion valley is over 200 miles away so its not exactly unplausible for arroyo to be the location. It would not only bring the story full circle for the courier and ulyssess but also with chris considering he worked on both and they allways tend to throw some stff from the first games in. Ill take the pint as a warm new astle brown ale please

Zion is 166 miles away.

The old world rests there. So obviously it has to do with something eather pre war civilization or maybe ever arroyo. You cant discredit the theory based on distance alone in point lookout your over 400 miles away from dc.

Point Lookout is 77 miles away.

Source for both: Google Earth

I can tell with absolute certainty that the Divide is neither the Boneyard or Arroyo. It has been confirmed that the geographical location is next to Death Valley, by Honest Hearts. Next to Death Valley completely rules out Arroyo, despite that every other bit of evidence suggests against Arroyo anyway. Los Angeles is arguable next to Death Valley, but it is a previously visited city that is still around.

Disregarding that Death Valley is confirmed as an approximate location, it also makes sense for it to be Death Valley and not LA or Arroyo because it is an issue for NCR supply lines going into Vegas, and LA or Arroyo are not geographically locations that would affect supply lines into Vegas very much.
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Felix Walde
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:42 pm

They hintedalot at LA in the game, they also hinted alot at the burned man and look who showed up in a dlc

Of course the burned man "showed up" in a dlc, there were tales about, note's hidden in the mojave with "the burned man is still alive" written on it. ALL dlc's have clues within the game. Either pepole talk about hint's to it, or there is notes in the mojave. Lonesome road only have "go home courier 6" and "the divide" written on it. The game never states something about L.A.
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renee Duhamel
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:54 pm

Disregarding that Death Valley is confirmed as an approximate location, it also makes sense for it to be Death Valley and not LA or Arroyo because it is an issue for NCR supply lines going into Vegas, and LA or Arroyo are not geographically locations that would affect supply lines into Vegas very much.

Yes, the game states that the diviide is completely destroyed (not completely after all), and that NCR supply line's were cut off - You can't hold that theory alive anymore. Just kill it - with a flamer! :flamethrower:
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:47 pm

The fault line runs through death valley, riverside, antalope valley and LA the veteran armor is La swat armor proving that ncr has been there and if im not mistaken was found in the boneyard
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Angus Poole
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Post » Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:23 am

The fault line runs through death valley, riverside, antalope valley and LA the veteran armor is La swat armor proving that ncr has been there and if im not mistaken was found in the boneyard

Boneyard is a NCR state, yes. However the Veteran armor was borrowed from the Desert Rangers that were absorbed into the NCR, and are not NCR's creation. I suppose it is possible that NCR gave them the riot armor, though.

But you're right, The Divide likely has something to do with the fault line that runs through Death Valley, considering the nature of how the Divide is described. It isn't the Boneyard. In fact, I believe the city it's supposed to be near (or in, according to this map that is conceivably from Lonesome Road a town called Hopeville.
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Kirsty Wood
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 2:49 pm

Makes sence but where is that map from is that an actual maP from the dlc or just a fan creation to cause drama. It seems like alot of people are doing that latly
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Mylizards Dot com
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:58 pm

Makes sence but where is that map from is that an actual maP from the dlc or just a fan creation to cause drama. It seems like alot of people are doing that latly

It's from Old World Blues, in a weather station location. Considering they wouldn't make a high quality map like that for nothing, it was in a location about weather, and the stuff on it fits the Divide's profile, it is almost certainly the divide.

EDIT: I just opened up the map from Old World Blues - Main.bsa, and it is definitely a map of the Divide. The file name is called "nvdlc03dividepleximap".
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:16 pm

Nice thats what i like to see good work finding that. Now theres just the issue of finding out where its supposed to be
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:06 pm

Im on my iphone and i zoomed in on the map, i really think LA is not out of the question on this one it looks very similar and if not it may be where you were talking about if its a fairly large town with lots of highway. Lonesome road is actually a road haha
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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Sun Aug 07, 2011 2:06 am

Nice thats what i like to see good work finding that. Now theres just the issue of finding out where its supposed to be

Oh it wasn't me who made the first discovery, I just decided to see it for myself in my own files. But from Joshua Graham's dialogue it is definitely in or near Death Valley.

I have a theory about Hopeville, as it isn't a city with a real life equivalent. I'm betting that the government never released details about the San Andreas fault in the Fallout universe, and created Hopeville to test the effects of a fullscale earthquake due to the fault would be on LA. It was essentially planned as a low-key civilian test city, considering the minimal residents to be expendable. The scientists there were working on a way to both isolate an earthquake along the section of fault next to the town as well as work on ways to create imposed weather as a weapon. Experiment goes terribly wrong, and now we have the Divide.
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:17 pm

Sounds plausible, could also be a pre war nuke town, just a though because of all the devistation but highly unlikely. The roads, that pit in the middle and that weird thing at the road is making me think though, im hoping fallout doesent do somethng weird and not let you kill ulyssess for yourself
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Sammie LM
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 6:24 pm

Huh seems like LA and the boneyard are looking like a big possibility as a huge part of this dlc aswell as hopeville. Seems like some Of you are wrong and it looks like me and lollolLolololo are right, weird
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meghan lock
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Post » Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:18 am

Let me do my best to end this now. We know that the Divide is the Death Valley National Park which runs directly in-between Shady Sands approx location of next to Mt Whitney - the approx location of Vault 13.

"finding themselves hundreds of miles from their Vault, the members of Vault 13 chose to join the village"

Why do people assume that New Arroyo is in the same place, Vault 13 would be closer to walk too; this implies that they didn't travel very far to build the city. It's probably between San Fran and Shady Sands.
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SWagg KId
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:46 pm

Huh seems like LA and the boneyard are looking like a big possibility as a huge part of this dlc aswell as hopeville. Seems like some Of you are wrong and it looks like me and lollolLolololo are right, weird

The Boneyard is what's left of LA, they're not exactly separate places. Also, scroll up, it was pretty much confirmed the Divide is near Death Valley, not the LA Boneyard. Don't act childish and boast about how you're right and others are wrong.
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