» Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:48 am
Dr. Mobius was awesome.
Christine's COS Sniper was my favorite weapon (nice to have an un-castrated sniper rifle again) but the Saturnite Super-Heated Power Fist is wicked looking, and I'm raising my unarmored just so I can use it.
The wiki says that Elijah's LAER does 65 damage and 178.8 DPS, but mine is doing 75 damage and 213 DPS. It says the LAER does 65 damage and 162.5 DPS. Mine does 32.6x3 damage and 250 DPS, modded. (I have a 90 EW skill, lvl 30). Even before I modded it, the stats were higher than the wiki indicates. Something is raising my stats, and I'm not sure what. I have Laser Commander, maybe it affects the LAER?
The regular LAER modded, against enemies with low DT, is serving me well. Repair hasn't been too bad, I carry six WRK when I leave base, and I've never run out before being loaded down with loot. I keep my weapons in top condition, and use a WRK when they degrade to the point where it starts to affect the stats. WRK ingredients are not rare in OWB. The only time I pull out Elijah's is when I'm fighting something with a high DT. All in all, I'd rather have the Holorifle, but I haven't taken this character through DM yet. LAER+ has some potential though.
Robo-Scorpion and Gabe's Bark Emitters are surprisingly effective against foes like Fiends. I'm consistently blowing limbs off in one shot in VATS. Slow though, even with Action Boy (2) I only get three shots.
Favorite creatures were the Y-17 Harnesses. Good loot for an EW character, and it's a cool concept.
Add: COS means Circle of Steel, I gather they're an offshoot branch of the Brotherhood, but I don't know much else about them.