I'm playing another run-through of the game with an explosives/energy weapon character and I just crafted an item I neglected up until now. That weapon being of course the time bomb. So far I can't figure out what possible use I could have for it. Clearly the only circumstance a time bomb would be useful would be when I need time to get away but when would I have an opportunity to place a time bomb near a death-claw and calmly walk away and wait for it to explode? I can't really imagine any practical uses for the time bomb.
So anyways I guess my question is what practical uses are there for the time bomb? Maybe something creative? Also does placing a time bomb turn npcs hostile when you place it?
I have only used it once. To blow up Doc Mitchels kitchen. Placed it on the table with C4 in all the chairs.

Obviously for entertainment purposes. If you were about to raid, Say Camp Mcarren you could put it in the First Recon Tent, when it goes off you kill other targets, or place C4 in other places and when it goes off blow the C4.. Just some ideas.
Doc was in the kitchen BTW lol