.Im pretty sure this is going to get block but its worth a try. Bethesda if you are reading this i and maybe you fallout fans want a better game then fallout like were we can explore the whole world.DLC's don't count because they just a small part.We dont want a barrier blacking stopping us from exploring. But a thing that would svck is that it would take forever just to make it.Bethesda workers and Fallout fans sorry for wasting your time if you dont agree. Post a link onto this form if you can onto youtube so other fallouts fan can read. if this is done right the Fate Of Fallout Might Be This One. :fallout: Also for those who do agree add me on xbox, my GT is Cryd domo182 thanks..
That my friend would be insanely hard to develop. The whole world? They have to make the world the size it is so all consoles can withstand it (even PC). If the map was to large the world would lag and there would be glitches out the ass. Maybe it would be nice for about 15 seconds and then it would lag. The size of all Fallout worlds have been fine.You are the first I've seen complain about them. Also DLC's small? They add a whole ne feel to the game.