Morrowind Overhaul - customisation

Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:34 am

Ive recently taken the plunge and installed Morrowind Overhaul. Part of me feels like this was a big mistake cos everything feels like its in some final fantasy movie now.. but i'll grit my teeth and put up with it. Certainly there are some impressive features.

However there are some features that i simply cannot stand and unfortunately cant seem to disable (they are not covered by the code patcher).

My biggest issue is (with the 1.3 update) it seems all dunmer (and other races) now walk like they have a stick inserted into an awkward place :spotted owl:

Common sense would suggest that i simply disable the offending individual mod file and get on with life but im simply not 100% sure which one is doing it, and even then i have no experience modding animations so i dont want to bugger up any thing else. I SUSPECT (its early here and im tired) that it is governed by the file "Animated Morrowind" however im fairly sure this was installed before 1.3 and the problem kicked in during 1.3.. i think.

So does anyone have any insights? Im not particularly interested in sifting through every file that came with it so see which one edits the animation files (or however it is you actually edit animations. could it be as simple as deleteing a particular data file?)

Cheers :celebration:

NB yes i could have submitted this question to their blog/site but im sure there are more competant people floating around on these forums with the knowhow for a more immediate response.
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:32 pm

Those are the animations from Animation Compilation. (Yeah I guess I could make them optional in a future update).
Simply go into Data Files\Meshes and delete the following files.


Should be fine

NB yes i could have submitted this question to their blog/site but im sure there are more competant people floating around on these forums with the knowhow for a more immediate response.

Yeah but those forums are there for a reason, I think I know what I included in it enough to answer immediatly ;)
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:16 pm

Thanks very much mate. I had a feeling the solution would be something simple like that without the need to carve out a mod file's settings or something.

Thanks for the quick reply ;)

I would encourage you to include the animation options in future release since it is a significant game changer. After 10 years of the same walk/run animations, anything new just makes my OCD brain melt ^_^

edit: i also doubted someone involved in the project would see this just based on the odds. myth busted ;)
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Post » Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:27 am

Yeah that's something I can do for sure, now without patches thanks to the auto update coming ;)
Next update will include an option for it, thanks.
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Manuel rivera
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Post » Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:59 pm

I just feel I have to ask here. I have looked at the Morrowind overhaul since I'm one of those people too lazy to find everything myself. :P But what about the final fantasy movie? I noticed some things in the screenshots, like the big forests of dead trees, where did they come from? And that I couldn't see any of those mushroom-trees in the screenshots..
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:36 pm

I just feel I have to ask here. I have looked at the Morrowind overhaul since I'm one of those people too lazy to find everything myself. :P But what about the final fantasy movie? I noticed some things in the screenshots, like the big forests of dead trees, where did they come from? And that I couldn't see any of those mushroom-trees in the screenshots..

Umm...I *think* I know what you are trying to ask.

The best solution is this:

Download the Overhaul, run through the installation step by step USING THE GUIDE, and you will be able to choose a lot of the graphical settings and changes (regarding the appearance of the game and the trees etc) for yourself. There are quite a lot of different visual options available in the pack, and you can choose which ones you wish to use - it's pretty easy to change them if you decide you'd like to try another also.
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