1 Perk per Level , Doesn't Seem Enough ...

Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:45 am

i kind of wish he had broken it down a bit more under the 500 mark though. id rather see something like 40, 80, 120 etc.

LOL I feel the same way.

I made a new Oblivion Playing time poll here: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1218079&st=

please vote
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:46 am

That is why you will hopefully play the game multiple times :celebration:

This. I like my characters to be different. If I could get all the perks I wanted, then my Character wouldnt be unique.
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john page
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Post » Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:03 pm

I don't like any kind of "level caps" - if we can level past 50 we should get perks past 50. 1 per level is enough, but I'm modding the limit on 50 out.
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carrie roche
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Post » Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:59 pm

As long as the leveling process is slower like it was in Morrowind I won't mind. Leveling up in Oblivion was FAR too quick, and almost every level-related mod I have installed is dedicated to slowing it down and reducing how much of an all-destroying god you became at around level 20.

A new cap of 50, that takes actual time and effort to reach, with actual specialization in the character, would make me very happy, even though they cut down the skills to 18.

The reason I still like Morrowind's leveling system better than Oblivion's is because with the massive number of skills in Morrowind, one can specialize a character and still end up leveling up fairly slowly, and even at level 50 (which was where I 'stopped' with my main character in Morrowind) - you still have things you're not good at. With Oblivion, you pretty much have everything mastered by time you hit 20-25, which was boring and made every character a master of everything.

Skyrim's system looks much better, from what I've seen.
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Joey Avelar
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Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:43 am

I have to agree with DarkDragon - the amount of skills in Morrowind slowed down the process, and sometimes it was slowed down even more when we had for one reason or another to level an additional non class selected skills that did not contribute to the level.
But while I like the need for specialization, I although don't like that specialization being artificially enforced, while pretending not to be - I think it should be theoretically possible to be an "all knowing god" but it should be hard enough that no character that is less than 1000 hours old will actually have any hope to be.
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:50 pm

I have to agree with DarkDragon - the amount of skills in Morrowind slowed down the process, and sometimes it was slowed down even more when we had for one reason or another to level an additional non class selected skills that did not contribute to the level.
But while I like the need for specialization, I although don't like that specialization being artificially enforced, while pretending not to be - I think it should be theoretically possible to be an "all knowing god" but it should be hard enough that no character that is less than 1000 hours old will actually have any hope to be.

I am hoping the hard cap is simply a GMST or similar value in the editor, and can be adjusted. That said, I won't adjust it unless one can also adjust how fast you gain levels.

What would be really cool is if after level 50 or so, one could still gain perks, but at half the speed, one every two levels instead of one every level. I think that would work quite well.

Maybe it'll be possible to do with mods. Hell, it probably will be. This modding community is amazing.
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