A sugestion to Bethesda

Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:19 pm

I like the Damage Threshold system. It's realistic, it's a good system, i can totally understand that a Combat Armor negates most damage from a 5 or 9 or even 10mm round, wether that round comes from a pistol or a smg or even a rifle.
What i don't understand is how can a combat armor, or even a leather armor for that matter, can negate the damage from a laser beam or a plasma beam, i mean they're not a bullet or a pellet that can be slow down by an armor, and thus negating some or most of it's damage, they're energy.

In my opinion, and here is my sugestion, energy weapons or their ammo should completly negate Damage Threshold, but, to balance things, most or all types of armor should have a variable amout of energy resistance, similar to the damage resistance in FallOut 3.

Now to make a mod that gives all armor energy resistance, making that energy resistance being reduced overtime and damage suffered, would take a lot of time and knowledge, wich i fear only a professional programmer has, and besides that mod could be easily overwritten by other armor-changing mods.

But if such ghange would be made in the base game, well it would be kind of hard to overwrite it.

This is just a sugestion and the team responsible for the game probably won't make such a big change to the game based on ine man's opinion, so i ask that anyone who agrees or disagrees with me vote on this pole.
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Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:35 am

The original armor/damage system had DT and specific DRs for all the different types of damage, including laser and plasma.
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Mark Churchman
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Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 10:32 am

Ya and they should make energy resistant armor
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Jennifer May
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