These are some of the weapons and ways to implement them into New Vegas. First the sharps 45-70, this gun is something to have in new vegas, because they already have the ammo and it would be simple to put it in to the lonesome road dlc. Second a semi auto shotgun preferrably a 12 guage, this is something that a lot of people I've talked to want in the game. Third and final a regular version of this machine, because it an awesome weapon and you could have such mods as a scope, a different stock, and an incresed rate of fire. At last this is the idea I have for implement these and other weapons into the game. The way to do this is to take said weapons and make weapon packs as dlc's, this way you wouldn't have to try to cram it all into one dlc, you could just make small dlc's that could have four weapons in a pack.