[RELz] Solstheim Alternate Start

Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:27 am

Solstheim Alternate Beginning v7

Installing the Plugin

Install to your morrowind datafiles directory.

Playing the Plugin

This mod makes the player start in a tomb on Solsthiem.
The tomb is kitted out with starter equipment and doesnt break the
start of the main quest (as the package is given to the player via an NPC)

In the tomb is a hermit, who healed the player. Talk to him to find out
how you ended up in the tomb and to recieve the package that starts
the main quest.

As in the nature of morrowind, there is a small nudge towards the main quest,
but aside from that you are free to do what you want

There is also a quest to clear the rats out of the entrance of the tomb.
So be sure to talk to the hermit before you leave!

Once you reach level 5 the hermit will give you another quest - can you beat the ice queen and save the hermit from his fate?

Changes in version 2:

- Added map marker for Thirsk
- Fixed spelling and Grammer problems
- Added a shipwreck near the tomb ( just off the coast) to fit with the story

changes in version 3:

- Balanced the starting loot ( i.e starting dagger is no longer worth 1000 gold.)
- Added in more "weapons of choice" for those that dont want short blade. You can find an axe and crossbow within the tomb.
- Added another rat to the entrance to fit the dialogue that Godric gives you about the vermin coming in.
- Prevented the rats from respawning
- Added more clutter to the tomb to make it feel more "lived" in.
- Godric has new dalogue on various topics: bears, wolves, spriggans, werewolves, berserkers, draugr, solstheim and mead.
- Godric now also sells mead
- Godric now sells helath potions, resist disease potions and resist frost potions
- Fixed all the doors with the imperial shipwreck. They should now work as inteneded
- fixed the the Thirsk map marker not appearing
- Added quest to clear the rats from the tomb

Changes in version 4:

- More clutter added included various alchemy ingrediants
- Godric will now give the player 50 gold, and tweaked the dialogue to reflect this.
- New scroll added reflecting Godric's personnel Alchemy notes (using Solsthiem ingrediants)to get any budding alchemists up and running.
- Misc - Updated readme credits.

Version 5:

- Changed the Rats in the tomb to Snow rats
- added Dead guards to the shipwreck
- Added more clutter to the shipwreck

Version 6:

-changed starting clothes to bloodmoon clothes
-godric now gives the player a choice from 2 rings as a reward for killing the rats (one is resist frost, restore health the other is reist frost and resist desisease)
-Fixed spelling mistakes in dialogue
-Fixed Journal Spelling mistakes
-Made the last jouranl entry for the rats quest the "end of quest" entry. This helps clean the journal up over all

(version 7.0, 7.1 and 7.12 were BETA versions)

version 7.2:

- Made it easier to access the ship wreck
- Fixed many spelling and grammar mistakes
- Added more clutter and decor
- Added a new quest which the player can get once they have complted the the Local vermin quest (and also reached level 5)
- Moved Ship door markers to prevent getting stuck
- Added Dialogue to the Ice witch - She will force a greeting if you get close enough
- Expanded godrics dialogue - just some more background and dialogue for the aftermath
- Lowered the level and over all strength of the ice witch to be more new player firendly
- Fixed Sealed chamber door marker - no longer get stuck behind forcefield
- Removed dirty refrences
- Fixed Journal Entries
- Fixed Script attached to Ice witch


This mod will conflict with any mod that altars the Chargen and start of the game.

It is recondmened that you start a new game to use this mod (it is a chargen mod...)

GCD - its been reported that GCD could conflict with this mod. However the two "work"
together. The only problem is at the start of the game, instead of the menus poping up
one by one, they pop up all at once. Not really a game breaking issuie, just annoying.


Midgetalien - For the mod

BLuebit - for chargen scrpts that were modified by me

The Wanderer for the Snow Rat model/textures

Special thanks to Beta Testers:

- Skye (Lucevar)
- NovemberRain
- Darzax Var
- Tonal Architect

and Gluby for pointing out further spelling mistakes
Also Jac and The greatness for dialogue reconmendations

Cleanded using Enchanted Editor


Please contact me if you wish to use any of this in your mod :)



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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:35 am

Well its finally here! hope you enjoy it!

Also added mirrior download at TESNexus (first time I have used that site) - just incase PES doesnt work :)
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:36 am

Also added mirrior download at TESNexus (first time I have used that site) - just incase PES doesnt work :)

Indeed it doesn't.
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Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:57 am

Indeed it doesn't.

glad I put up an alternate link then! PES is being so......up and down.
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:47 pm

Just tried it for the first time; very interesting. BTW: I'm using Gluby's GCD 1.08 with startscript and fix and there is no problem with the start up in case anyone was hesitating to run them together.
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Jennifer Munroe
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