Best house mods?

Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:29 pm

Pretty self-explanatory, I'm looking for good (Lore-fitting) house mods for New Vegas, so what do you think are the best ones?
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Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:37 pm

The best ones aren't lore-friendly - these would be the and the

Old World Blues has a pretty sweet home built-in, that being The Sink. If it was expanded just a tad, it'd be excellent, but as-is is merely 'cool'.

There are a few Lucky 38 suite expansions (you can find most of them The only one I've tried was, but it has several bugs and general bad English all over the place, and isn't entirely lore-friendly, either.
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leigh stewart
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Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 5:25 pm

I'm working on a relatively lore friendly house mod. I say relatively because it uses an inventory sorter, and the place comes equipped with all the shelves/furniture you need, and all in pretty decent shape. Otherwise, it's designed to fit in a real-world shell (the world object that represents the interior cell), it's not a vault, and it doesn't give you free items (except a key to the gate)

You can check out screenshots and comment on it I'm taking a break for looking at it, but should be back on it later this week. I just have some final scripts to test, and then it should be ready for at least a testing release.

Another option, if you don't want all the fancy features, are the They utilize the Sortomatic system for inventory sorting in the home, and there are currently 10 locations to chose from (including the 4 faction safehouses).
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