How to disable every creature in a cell except a select few?

Post » Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:06 am

I have a cutscene where the player sets off a weapon. This weapon vaporizes living things, and you are in an area flooded with animals. So, I need to know how to disable (or delete, or whatever) all of the animals. Pretty much any creature except the 2 main character NPC's, and the player. I figured perhaps I could make an explosion, and anyone it hits it deletes. Is this possible? I've never worked with the whole 'effects' thing much, so could I set one up and the parameters are that if it hits something other than the 3 people, it disables them?

Thanks for any help! I need to finish this by late today!

Alexander J. Velicky
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Wane Peters
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Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:07 pm

Yes, an explosion with a new scripted effect would probably work. In the script you can check for the reference its running on, and if not the NPC's of your choice, then kill and disable.
If you follow the laser weapons projectile back to the effect, you will see how it works. Namely, look at the critical effect type.

Weapon >WeapLaserRifle look at Crit Effect.
Actor Effect >LaserDisintegrationFXSpell
Base Effect >LaserDisintegrationEffect
ScriptName >LaserDisintegrationEffectScript

An explosive would be this path:

Weapon >WeapGrenadePulse look at Projectile.
Projectile >GrenadePulseProjectile
Explosion >GrenadePulseExplosion look at Enchantment
Object Effect >EMP
You could then make a Base Effect like the laser rifle above to attach your script to the Object Effect, just like an Actor Effect.
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